Chapter Six: The Dare

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"One thing, sweetie, this boy." I pointed Cayden who was standing next to me," is going to stick hip to hip with his girlfriend, Amelia who happens to be one of the five people I know in the party. So now it’s three. Then you are gonna sit next to your so-called boyfriend or crush, whatever you want to call your relationship with him and blush like hell. It all comes down to me spending time with that Jerk who my dear uncle William named Christopher and there is no way in hell I'm spending time with him." I explained.

"She got a point Anna." Cayden pointed out and I grinned.

"But why do you even hate him on the first place?" Anna asked and my grin faded. There was no way I am going to tell them about the reason; it was just between me, my friends in Santa Fe and Christopher.

"I just do and I am not telling it." I said and crossed my arms on my chest.

"Listen Tay, you are coming and if you once again whine like a baby I'm going to do something that you will learn a good lesson." She threatened and I was taken aback from this. I knew what she could do and I knew there was no point of arguing anymore. I let out a groan and nodded.

"Good. Now can we go?" She asked and I and Cayden nodded. We reached to the garage where Cayden's car was parked and we quickly got in. 

The party was at a guy named Kyle's place. As far as I can figure out, he was rich spoiled brat who was partying because his parents were never home and he was the host at most of the after basketball game parties. He lived in a big mansion at 20 minutes’ drive.

When we reached his place, my jaw dropped. The place was full of adolescents who were drinking, dancing or making out with music blasting out loudly from the speakers.

"Oh Anna, Cayden you guys came." A drunken guy with dark hair greeted who I assumed was Kyle.

"Yeah we did. Obviously who would we ever miss your parties, they are the best." Anna said smiling and that Kyle returned.

"Thanks and who is this beautiful friend of yours who came with you?" He asked definitely asking about me.

"Oh, she is my cousin Taylor; she just shifted from Santa Fe and is going to start her Junior year with us." Anna explained.

"Oh it’s nice to meet you." He brought his hand forth for a hand shake. 

"You, too," I said and shook it.

"Okay you guys get settled I'll see you in a few." He said and we all nodded and proceed further in the house.

We soon found Amelia and Jace sitting on the couch and the Jerk was nowhere in sight. I breathed of relief.

"Oi, guys." Amelia said while Jace just waved. We three waved back.

"Oh My Gosh Tay. You look beautiful." Amelia said and mouthed 'thank you' because it was too loud to hear anything.

I sat on the couch next to Anna who was next to Jace who sat next to Amelia who cuddled with Cayden. Gosh! This can't be anymore awkward.

"Where is Chris Mia?" Anna asked using Amelia's rarely used nickname.

"Just around," She told and Anna nodded just as the jerk arrived.

"Hi guys." Christopher beamed and they replied back. 

"Take the name of the devil and he shall appear." I muttered under my breath.

"Hi to you too, Taylor," Christopher smiled sweetly.

"Hi, Christopher," I said, faking the same sweetness.

"How're you?" He said and sat next to me. Gosh.

A Matter Of ChanceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin