A Little Too Much - Levi x Reader

Start from the beginning

This was all she ever wanted.

To love again.

It's official. She is in love. (Name) (Lastname), in love. As surreal as it sounds, it was true. She had begun to smile again. Not the fake smile she would give everyone. A real smile this time. She felt... happy. A foreign feeling. It was exciting. New feelings and new expressions. New moments and actions. Finally, she could smile, laugh and have fun. This time, with her best friend and crush, Levi Ackerman. He was her purpose. Her purpose to live, and purpose to laugh. He was her favourite hello and hardest goodbye. Her all and everything.

Months and days passed. (Name) confessed her love. She knew this could end both ways. End her happiness and make her depressed again, or maybe it would change her whole life. Only one way to find out and that was to try. What would life be without taking chances? She certainly didn't know. But if Levi didn't want to be with her she would be okay with that. She suffered before and survived. She could survive one more time, right? Well, as long as she knew Levi was happy, she could bear her pain. But as any other sappy, romance story, he also liked her. They became an official couple. And as most authors would say: They lived happily ever after, I will not. Why? Because this was not the end.

The girl spent her days cherishing all she had and lived to the fullest. They got married and four years passed. She really loved him. Her love would never die out. But for Levi it was another story. He was tired of her. Of spending too much time with her. But he still loved her, just not in the way he did before. His feelings changed. He wanted something new. He wanted to be young and free again.

(Name) sat in the comfortable couch, waiting for Levi to come home from work. He said he would be home at six. It was nine now. The woman was worried about her husband. She had waited all day for him to come home. She had made his favourite dinner only for this moment.  She had news to tell him. You (the reader) is probably thinking (Name) is pregnant, huh? No, that's not it. It was not happy news and it was now she needed him the most. Tears threatened to fall from the woman's red, puffy eyes. She could see loose strands of hair nearly falling of her head. It was one of the symptoms the doctor had informed about. This was what she was going to tell Levi about.

She had cancer.

Now she was full out crying because of two things. 1) she has cancer and is probably just going to get worse. 2) Levi hadn't come home, and she was worried. I mean- every wife should be worried about their husbands.

(Name) just sat there. Staring at the ceiling in deep thoughts. Time passed. Seconds became minutes and minutes became hours. When she couldn't bear her curiosity anymore she decided to go to his office and tell him there. What other choice did she have? Tell him right before she died? No thanks.

She hurried toward the entrance door, slipping on her shoes in the speed of lightning, grabbing her winter coat and running out the door. She didn't even bother locking the door. She had to tell him. It was time. No turning back.

No regrets.

She drove fast, not bothering to follow the speed limit. When she arrived at the enormous building her husband worked at, she felt anxious. How would she tell him? How would he react?! What if he... left me? (Name) banged her palm against her head.

No don't think like that.

She sprinted inside the building and stopped at the reception. The receptionist stopped what she was doing and looked at her. Her eyes widened when she noticed some bald places on her head but didn't say anything.

 Levi x Reader | OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now