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This is mostly Kakashi and your past together. It probably will be short again but at least I won't be bothering you with too much description. Above is the picture of a wisteria tree.

After you have helped patch Kakashi up in one of his missions, he have asked you if you wish to have a tour and stay in Konoha for a while. Luckily, your parents agreed. It will be sad leaving your younger sister which us just three years old behind. You will miss her.

"Princess, I will not go with you. As I can see, Kakashi is appropriate to protect you and be my substitute while you are away." Your Butler have said. You bowed and assured him that it is fine.

While you are on the trip, you are greeted with an uncomfortable silence. You decided that a conversation won't be that bad. "So, Kakashi. Can you describe what Konoha is to me?" You asked. It is your first time going there. You didn't even dreamt of being there since your parents are just very strict.

"Konoha? Honestly, its beauty is very undescribable. But you sure will feel absolutely at home because the people there sure has their good share of hospitality."

You smiled at the thought. This is gonna be fun.

The journey was pretty long and tiring but once you have reached the destination, your jaw dropped. The sights, the peaceful atmosphere around, everything.

Kakashi stepped down the coach and you have followed. The people present there, looked at you wide eyed. You felt quite uncomfortable and confused since you wore nothing special. Just a pale blue dress and a darker blue band tied around by the waistline. You wore your amulet too.

Maybe just because you don't look familiar.

Kakashi toured you around and both of you agreed to rest under the tree of Wisteria. The fallen flower petals circled around you as the wind blew. One landed on your lap and flew away. You smiled, hoping this would last.

You smiled as you look at the old wisteria tree in your childhood. You and Kakashi had made memories and you cherish every moment of it but the only difference is that you are the only one standing below it not like before where both of you is below the beautiful tree.

"Beautiful right?" You recognize the voice very well. "Just like before." You smiled and said.

"Just like before."

Yeah I know that it is short. I'm having a writers block for no apparent reason. Bleh. Kill me.

Mr. Mysterious (Kakashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now