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A talk will not hurt, right?

Okay, forgive me but there will be a series of really short chapters. Sue me if you want oh wait, don't sue me. Please.

Your PoV

"Miss Y/N? Are you okay? You seem red." Sakura asked. "I am fine. Just tired and all."

Actually, my body is aching. My head is practically killing me right now but I can handle it though.

"Come to think of it, its been a while since I have visited the shrine. Say, can I go alone?" I don't really know why I'm actually asking permission since I'm wayyy older than them.

"Well," Sakura surely is hesitating. I don't blame her. "Sasuke?" She turned to him. He gave her an approving look

"I guess. I don't actually see why not."

I stood up and went on my way deeper into the forest. "Are you sure Sasuke?" I can here Sakura ask. "Hn."

"Hey Sakura! Why not ask me!" Naruto bombarded in. "SHUT UP! IM NOT TALKING TO YOU!" Sakura perfectly fits in their team.


Kakashi is on a mission so his students are left to "protect" me. Kakashi. Last night was really somewhat, memorable and lovely to forget all at the same time. I shook my head when that came across my mind. I probably look really red right now.

I have decided to pay my respects to the memorial shrine. I literally have no idea why but surely, there's nothing wrong about it, right?

On my way, I saw that I wasn't the only one who decided to pay a short visit. I am contemplating whether or not I will talk to him. My brain versus my heart. And apparently, heart won this time. But, a little chat won't hurt right? "Kakashi?"

He turned around and he gave me a warm smile. I swear, he could show more emotion with his only visible eye than Sasuke with his actual whole body. I once actually wondered if that kid does have feelings. "I thought you have a mission."

"I thought my students were guarding you." He returned my statement back. "Did you decided to outsmart my students and escape?"

"They know. I asked for permission."

He seemed really worn off from the mission he recently finished. My eyes trailed to a poorly wrapped gauze attached loosely on his right arm.

"Your arm."

"I know. I'm fine. Its just a small scratch." He lied. I'm really sure he did.

"Then why is it bleeding badly?"

He found no escape from my response and his expression gave out the physical pain he is in.

"Let me." He surrendered as he knew that I will never take no as an answer in these kind of situation.

"I'm sorry about last night." He said out of nowhere.

"Its fine. We both wanted it right?" I admit, it was pleasurable to consent with one of the most handsome and most accomplished man here but this is just a mission. Nothing more and nothing less.

I led him to a rock nearby to let him sit on as I make progress with my job. I unwrapped it and raised the sleeve of his shirt only to be revealed with a partially deep cut. Being a very prepared ninja, I pulled out a box of gauze bandage and with a small piece of it, I started cleaning the wound then reapplied the gauze back to the still open wound.

Third Person

While you were fixing his wound, you have noticed that he keeps on looking at the shrine with a pained expression. You knew why. Almost exactly that is. Rin Nohara, a close friend of yours, have told you most of the details about what has happened. She keeps on pestering you to brighten Kakashi up but that's only until she died. 

"Kakashi. No need to hide all your feelings to everyone." He looked at you, surely confused.

"The deeper you hide your feelings, the more you get hurt. All wounds need air to heal."

He remained silent as you talk. He is an accomplished man, surely. But with a not so decent past.

"Do not bear all your problems to yourself. I am here for you. I will be here to shoulder your worries until your chest feels light enough to welcome true happiness."

"How are you so sure that I don't feel, what you deem, "true happiness"?" He asked, not looking at you.

"You have my eyes Kakashi."

"Eyes that shows happiness but actually, it is sadness blocked by a cloud of fake happiness and only a few could see through it."

"No matter how good you mask your pain to others, that won't work on me. I'm watching out on you Kakashi."

He kept his gaze locked on the grass.

"If you need help, call me. I do not promise to give you the best advise but I sure will listen and shoulder most, if not, all your burden."

Kakashi's PoV

I watched as she paid her respect to the memorial and went back on her way. Besides all that's happened the night before, she still can welcome and help me with open arms.

She's predictable in her own unpredictability.

Mr. Mysterious (Kakashi x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя