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She's back.

Kakashi's PoV

I was reading my book when I heard a really long beep. I turned my head around and saw the monitor revealing a straight line. I jerked up making my chair fall down. I rushed to the nurse's desk and told them what happened.

Everything happened so quickly. First, I was reading then all this mess happened.

My mind is blank and my ears are ringing like there are bees trying to get out. I don't know what to do, I can't even think straight. I'm not like this in any mission I have had before. What happened to me?

My students are running to me looking very frantic and worried. "Sir Kakashi?" Sakura looked up at me. "She's gonna be alright." I said.

After a few minutes, Tsunade opened the door smiling.  "We saved her. She was clutching this. I thought that I would give it to you." It was a simple blue and white beaded bracelet. Then everything flashed before me. That's why she looked familiar. That's why her attitude seems like I have experience it before.


"Its nice to meet you Kakashi. I hope we will meet again. Take care of yourself." She waved at me when the medic came. "Goodbye." She patted my head.

I took her hand and held it in mine. "No, its not goodbye. 'Til next time." I let go and followed the medic back.

"'Til next time, Y/N."

End of Flashback

"Call me if she wouldn't wake up within 24 hours. If she did, call the nurse." She instructed me. I sighed that she will soon wake up.

"Kakashi. Can I talk to you. Privately." She eyed the genins. They understood and pulled Naruto that wants to hear our conversation.

Once my students are out of heating coverage, she faced me seriously. "Kakashi, please take this mission professionally."

She saw my look of confusion and she sighed. "There will be rules from now on."

"What? Why?" I asked her. What did I do now?

"Meet me at my office. I'll discuss it further." After that, she left.

What does she mean by that?

Tsunade's PoV

I'm getting worried right now. I don't know how will I tell Kakashi about her favor. I know he will actually think something is going on but...


"I will only accept this if you agree with my favor." She looked at me dead serious.

"I don't want anyone to die because of me. Do everything to tell your ninjas to not get involved in my life while still keeping my secret. If I have decided to leave Konoha, no ones interfering me. Not even you. Not even them."

"But you know I can't let that right?" I said standing up from my reclining chair. "You'll be considered as a missing ninja."

"Even worse, a rebel."

"No can do Tsunade. I'm sorry but I have already made my decision." She turned around the door and went out the door.

I sighed, sitting back. There's nothing I can do. Knowing her its either I will follow or something worse.



Kakashi's PoV

Its been two hours and I'm still waiting for her to wake up.


I heard a weak and frail voice say. I turned around and saw her, awake!

I hugged her. I didn't know why and I don't care anymore. She hugged back and sobbed on my shoulder. I let her even if my shirt will get wet. All I know is that.....

She's back.


Boop! Another short chapter. I think my head is dying from too much solving math then this. I'll make it up to you.

Mr. Mysterious (Kakashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now