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Eyes filled with hurt, mouth saying lies.

Beep beep.
If you're easily triggered, skip this chapter. But if you wish to continue, don't blame me. I warned you.

Kakashi's PoV

My head hurts. Oh wait, let me rephrase that, my whole body is aching. What happened?

I opened my eyes and saw three heads poking at me. Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto and L/N. Man, she has pretty eyes.

"Still alive silver boy?"

Silver boy?

"How long was I out?"

"Three years."

Three years?! I jolted up from my position. I was out that long!!!

"I'm kidding Hatake. Maybe twenty minutes? You're a tough guy ya know. You flew from the hokage's building to the middle of the forest! Completely my fault." She snickered in victory.

"Alright, alright. If you're not weak, why do you need to be protected?" I asked to change the subject.

"Maybe its best to tell you." She looked quite sad and gloomy after what I have asked.

"Its your rights anyways."

Your PoV

I took in deep breaths instantly regretting this. "Well here goes." I smiled sadly. Having to remember the things to forget hurts the most.

"Before, my partner, Hatsuki Mieru and I got in an investigation mission. We need to spy on Orochimaru."

"Y/N! Can you believe that? The Hokage trusts us to do this mission! This is gonna be super cool." Hatsuki punched the air. Clearly, she is excited. Super. "But do you think that this mission may be our last? I'm not saying we can't but Orochimaru is a deadly guy."

"Come on kill joy Missy. This won't be our last. Promise." She said raising her right hand.

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