I was already gone

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I was different.

I was lonely.

No friends.

I had my cat.

My family died.


I tell everyone we're fine.

I go to school, 4/5 days of the week, sometimes I don't have the courage to go.

But there is a boy.


Pure heaven.

He treats everyone nicely, if I wasn't so unpopular he would talk to me and be nice to me.

-school, Monday-

I open my eyes, crusty, I couldn't sleep at all. I eat breakfast, so a half a bagel, I need to save food for when it matters.

I'm in a pair of ripped jeans and a sweatshirt I stole, that's how I get clothes, I'm a pro thief.

I stand at the bus stop, alone.

I board the bus,alone. Okay tbh I do EVERYTHING alone. I steal alone, eat alone, and I live my life alone. When I'm on the bus I look put the foggy windows, I draw a sad face.

I hear lots of kids behind me laughing, they're laughing at some girl, Japheth name is Jess, I think, she is nice, not too pretty, nice though.

For the rest of the bus ride I listened to the kids behind me, they were talking about some anime, but I didn't understand half the things they were saying anyway.

In the seat right in front of me sat Alex, I had to stay calm, he was the only boy I'd ever crushed on, I feel like he would be there for me when I was sad.


Authors notes:

Hey it Chelsea, umm so comment any time or anywhere if you have an idea for this story, so ya hope you enjoy


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