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The yellow toothed man smiles. He finally did it. He banished the aether to the terrible land in which it came from, and can now work on a new universe that mother nature is creating.

His portal worked, amazingly, and his work is over. He can finally rest, all the centuries of looking and never finding over. And to think it was the lowly teenager the entire time! He had seen her in her childhood, crying in corners, screaming for her mother and father to come back. That couldn't have been the aether- the aether had no parents, no compassion.

The teenager is the aether though, and he made sure it was before sending it to the dead world. The man has no care for this dimension; it is set to the same fate as the one that he sent the aether to. 

Suddenly, a portal appears. The teenager steps out, and recoils when she catches sight of the man. He snarls, annoyed that his work had been ruined.

"You must be the other son of life."

The man takes a step back, surprised that the terrible aether knew this.

"You have no opinion, worthless daughter of aether."

"I am not aether." she tells him, and he knows that she is lying. There is no possible way that she cannot be the aether.

"I am pure light. And I will save this world-my world. I have seen too much death in the wasteland that you have sent me, child of life."

The man is taken aback. He didn't expect this, at all. There's no way that this girl is telling the truth. She is lying- right?

"Prove it."

She stamps her foot on the ground. Grass springs around her, and the sun rises over her head. The night sky vanishes, and trees begin to jump up, making use of the much needed sunlight.

"Together, son of life, we can reconstruct this world. Build it to what it used to be, and make sure that the human race doesn't murder it again. We can build a world.

"If only you take my hand."

Her outstretched hand seems to be begging him to help her, to recreate a dead world. But the man has no care for this world- right? He can always make a better one- right? He is the son of life after all.

The man takes her hand.

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