Chapter 24

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"Can you tell me where Niall is please?" I asked kindly

"Through there on the right, the doctor will see you soon" the nurse smiled back

I listened for his cute Irish voice but all I heard was him moving around on the bed. is slowly walked into his own space.

"Lois is that " Niall looked shocked

It was the first time he has seen me with black hair and my green eyes. not to forget the fact I have loads of make-up. it's so unlike me but I have todo it for nialls and zachs sake.

"I can't say your my beautiful Lois but your more than perfect, just come and give me a hug" Niall laughed

I ran over to him.

"Hello, oh sorry I didn't interrupt any thing?"David McCarthy chuckled to himself.

"Is there any news" I asked with interest

"Actually there is!" his face Glowed with joy. I turned to Niall as his eyes grew every second.

"What- what is it!" Niall and I screamed

I clutched onto his hands with hope.

"Niall can be discharged because Devon and his friends have been tracked down. my body felt different straight away as nothing could change how I felt to no that Devon has been caught. nails face couldn't stop smiling.

"So can LOIS I mean Millie remove her fake ness" Niall whispered to the man in hope I didn't hear.

"If I was you LOIS I would keep it all on for at least 3 months and Niall I wouldn't be getting your self into the news paper any more!" he replied

"Any more?" Niall asked

I no he is famous but I thought all of this news is confidentiality.

"It's got global" he snapped back

My phone buzzed.

Twitter - ' Lois you have drove my Niall to where no one knows he doesn't deserve you an what you have done to every one, go kill yourself you slut!

Tears filled my eyes as I dropped the phone into Niall's hands.

His draw dropped with disgust. as he tightly hugs me.

"You are the best girl I no I don't give to shits about those selfish girls!" he barked back and have me a long soft kiss as he through my phone on the chair.

Niall looked up then back to me.

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