Chapter 17

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Lois' POV:

I stroked my little boys hair as he leaned against me. Niall leaning against me the other side. I smile, my two favourite boys in the world, I'm currently with both of then, just chilling.

I look at my phone to see it 9:36pm.

"I think it's a certain little mans bed time" I smile.

I pick him up and carry him into his new room, Niall reads him a story about a princess who saved her prince from the evil king. I could tell he was getting at me saving my little boy from Devon. But he just cried whenever we went to leave him.

Eventually, me and Niall agreed we should let him sleep with us. After all, he's only little and this is a new place for him. We decide to also take an early night, we were tired and needed to be awake for when Zach is up in the morning.

"Night night Zach, don't let the bed bugs bite. Love you lots" I kiss him who is in between me and Niall, then kiss Niall.

"Goodnight Zach, I'm right here if you need anything. Love you lots and lots and lots." He tickles him, to receive me a slight telling off for making him excited at bed time.

Wow, being a parent would be interesting...

Amelia's POV:

I bite my chewed up nails, nervously as I am looked to and down by one of Devon's mates. Apparently, he's came to supervise me while Devon makes sure he's safe. I don't like him. He scares me. He is ever taller than Devon, his face is sunken and the evil spark in his eyes makes me want to scream for help.

"Tell me about yourself" he demands.

"Um, I'm Amelia" I stutter.

"Yeah, whatever. I wanna know interesting stuff" I stay silent. "NOW!"

"Alan!" Devon laughs loudly. So Alan is his friends name. "Any trouble from her and give her any punishment you like. You just love the iron, don't you my baby?"

My heart sinks every time I hear the word iron. I shake my head rapidly. "No, I don't." I reply, half confidently, half petrified.

Alan kneels down and closers up to my face. I feel my heart pounding, I think I'm going to cry but I've ran out of tears. "What a shame. Don't worry, I have lots of other things in mind. We will find something you just absolutely love!" He smirks, and then does something I never expected, he kisses me!

I try to pull out of his arms, but he just forces me closer to him. I feel like I'm about to be sick. His breath stinks of smoke. I have to hold the puke in else I would go all in his mouth, then would be in deep trouble... It goes on for what seemed like forever.

"Could of joined in more from your part. would of made it a bit better, don't worry. you'll get better in time" he smirks. I glare at him. I'm a little girl! The furthest I've ever gone is kissed my teddy, and he got chucked away as a punishment to me. "Giving me the evils, huh? well you're gonna find out what's evil".

He leaves the room, leaving me confused, and scared of what's about to happen.

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