Chapter 16

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Amelia's POV:

I sat in the back of the van, wriggling. My hands were tied together, it hurt my wrists a lot. It hurt to know he hurt my biological mum and that's why I'm here. I was basically not wanted, and left with him! I know about his temper now, I know there is no way to escape it. The police were after him. That's why we're here now. He needs to escape, before he gets caught.

The van stops, the door is slide open, letting a small amount of light in, even thought it's dark outside, my hands are tugged and I struggle to my feet, to avoid getting hurt.

"Say one word and I swear you will never see the light again" he whispers into my ear.

I shiver.

I'm yanked into a small building, where I'm led up some stairs and shoved in an empty room. He locks the door, and undoes the rope tying my wrists together.

"Listen here girl, I hate you with all my guts, and you know that don't ya?"

I stay silent, not knowing if I'm supposed to reply or not.

"Don't ya?!" He yells, shaking me so I hit my head on the wall.

I shriek in pain as tears flow out my eyes.

"Pathetic child!" He screams, grabbing my hair and pulling it so I'm down on the floor and his face is leaning over me.

"When I say something you answer me!"

"Yes" I reply, my voice shaky.

"If I have anymore trouble with you, you'll be getting it" he growls.

My eyes fill with tears. I know exactly what he means. The iron.

Memories flood back of two weeks ago. I was tied to the side of the bed, forced to watch him burn poor little Zach with an iron.


Zach's piercing screams run through my ears, making me feel emotionally drained inside because I know there's nothing I can do to help. I'm 8 years old, I'm quite clever, but I am weak, as I am often reminded by who I hate to call my Dad.

"SHUT UP YOU LITTLE RAT!" Devon yelled.

Every time Zach screamed, he pressed the iron down for longer. I struggled to get out of the rope, when the iron was slightly rose and I saw the burn marks on the 3 year old little boys skin.

Devon's eyes meet mine. He looks angry, very angry. I flinch as he comes closer. he grabs my chin, and puts his face right in front of mine so I can hardly even see him.

"You, my girl... prepare to be punished" he whispers, his smelly breath going straight up my nose.

Tears stream down my face, I scream louder than I ever thought was possible, as the burning hot surface makes contact with my belly. I try to pull my top down, but he just puts his other hand forcibly down on my neck so I can't even see anything and can hardly breath.

When he stopped, he looked at Zach who was still crying. He rolled him over, and scratched his back with the sharp part of his bracelet. He whispers something in his ear that I can't hear over my cries. the burns tingle over my body and I feel like I'm going to burst into flames.

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