Chapter 3

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Dreaming away, with out realising I put my hand around Niall. I felt him move my long brown hair out of my face, and a peck on he cheek. I pretended that woke me but I was secretly awake all ready. Cream and purple double duvet over us as we snuggled up.

"Niall even though we no each other I still don't think I no the real you!"

"Well what do you want to no about me." Communicated by smiles he hugged me tight.

" I'm just going to get some food, would you like anything?" Niall says.

"Yes please what ever you find, thanks" I reply.

"And then we can talk ok babe" Niall tells me, his accent strongly standing out.

Finally everything sinks in. Niall feels the same way about me as I do him. Wow. If only I'd been brave enough to admit how I feel from the start, we could of been married by now. Shut up Lois! You sound like the fans! Niall soon returns with donuts and chocolate chip cookies.

"Mmm, donuts!" I exclaim, grabbing one out of Niall's hand.

"I was worried you wouldn't like them" He tells me.

"Worried? You?" I laugh. "You were probably hoping I didn't like them so you could have them all to yourself, you pig"

He pretends to look hurt, but laughs. "That's one thing we know about me, I like my food. Now something about you."

I try and think of something he wouldn't know. "I don't know" I say.

"What talents do you have?"

"I don't know. I'm not like you Niall. I can't sing like you do. I'm just pretty boring really." I mumble, ashamed.

"Nonsense!" Niall says, outraged, making me chuckle. "I'm going to find out one of you talents!"

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