Chapter 6. Casual But Not Too Casual

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I was currently in the shower, pondering on the couple of days that I’d had.  I had so much with Mark, just the thought of that boy made butterflies flutter in my stomach. I smiled as I turned the water off and grabbed a towel to dry myself off. Tonight there was a big party at one of the sponsor houses. I had never been to an American party before. I was nervous to say the least, but I was also super excited too. Once I had finished my makeup and drying my hair I went to my wardrobe and looked through my outfits, I was told to dress casual, but not too casual.

Geez, thanks Craig that’s a great description of a dress code..

My phone starts ringing

Liv: Hello?

Mark: Liv! what’s up giiiiirl?

Is he drunk already?

Liv: Mark are you drunk? The party doesn’t start for another hour and a half.

Mark: Maaaaaybe! I’m going to come over, what are you doing?

Liv: Well I’m picking out an outfit for tonight

Straight away there’s a knock on the door, I hung up the phone, tightened my towel around myself and opened the door. Mark stood there grinning he didn’t look drunk? Tipsy maybe.. But not drunk. He looked at me up and down as he realized I was only in a towel.

“Hey! I brought you something” he exclaimed and he whipped out a bottle of Vodka from behind his back. 

Tonight is going to get messy..

I just laughed and moved to the side and let him in, he closed the door behind him and I headed back to the closet. He headed towards the kitchen to make the drinks. I picked out three different outfits, which I thought suited the bizarre dress code and placed them on my bed.

My first outfit consisted of A black dress and some black pumps.

The second was a pair of black jeans and singlet top with some boots.

The third was a pair of shorts with a white crop t-shirt with a pair of white converse.

I had an army green parker jacket with a fur hood sitting on the bed as well that I would wear when I was outside. Mark walked in with a vodka, soda water and lime for me and another concoction for himself. I took the drink and took a large gulp, wow.. Strong was an understatement

“Are you trying to get me drunk McMorris?” I asked making a disgusted face

“Perhaps” he said with a wink as he plopped onto my bed beside my clothes and took a swig of his own drink

I was blushing I could tell.

“Are these the outfits?” he asked looking between them

“Sure are, I cant decide” I said

He looked through them again

“Well a dress is out of the question its too cold, same with those shorts hmmm..” he said as he got up and started re arranging the outfits.

“Perfect!” he said clapping his hands excitedly

I gave him a twirl

I ended up wearing the white crop t-shirt with black jeans and boots. I liked this outfit, it showed off my toned stomach and the jeans complimented my figure perfectly.

“Maybe you should quit snowboarding and become a professional stylist” I said as I finished my drink, I made another disgusted face

“Ha.. Ha… maybe you should quit snowboarding and become a comedian” he said laughing

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