Chapter 21

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My father looked at us in shock. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him. He stood up as I pulled away, a look of confusion still contorting his features. I sighed, sitting down on the sofa opposite my father, Draco copying me. With another hearty sigh, I launched into the story of what happened and why on earth we were home, my father sitting down as I began. As I explained, both my father and Draco stared at me in shock, I did not stutter once. After I had finished, they continued to stare at me but then suddenly, I realised.
"Madeleine and Edward."
Draco's eyes dropped to the floor. During the battle, no-one had given any thought to where my twin siblings were, we were all more focused on Dumbledore. My father shook his head.
"I'm sure they're fine." whispered my father.
We sat in silence for a minute before I stood up.
"I n-need to g-go to b-bed." I announced, Draco nodding and following me.
When we reached my room, I collapsed onto my bed. Draco fell down next to me. I felt him wrap his arms around me before he started to cry. I sat up in his grasp and wrapped my arms around his waist. I soothed him as he sobbed into my shoulder.
"H-hey." I murmured, planting a delicate kiss on his cheek.
After a few minutes, Draco's breathing slowed and his tears ceased.
"I'm g-going to g-go and g-get a dr-drink."
Draco nodded as I left my room, heading down the stairs. I wandered into the living room and saw my father asleep on the sofa. I pressed a kiss to his forehead before heading to the kitchen to get my drink. Drink in hand, I ascended the stairs and pushed my bedroom door open, glancing over at my siblings' room. I smiled as I looked upon the scene in my bedroom. Draco had fallen asleep on my bed. Placing my glass on my bedside table, I climbed into bed, leaning against Draco and feeling him wrap his arms around me. I smiled and snuggled back into his warmth. I felt my eyelids flutter. Today had been such a stressful day, I was exhausted and wasn't at all resisting the drowsy sleep that took me over.

I awoke still wrapped in Draco's arms and sat up slowly, stretching, realising it was July 1st.
"Morning," rumbled Draco, his voice husky.
I smiled and pressed a kiss to his lips before getting up. I was still wearing my Hogwarts robes and they weren't the most comfortable to sleep in. I pulled a comfortable change of clothes from my wardrobe and began to strip off my robes. Draco awkwardly averted his eyes as I pulled on a jumper. My door creaked open and I turned, expecting it to be my father.
"Bu-Bucky?" I questioned, staring with confusion at my cat. "H-how did y-you get h-here?"
He made no noise in response, he simply turned around and went out into the hallway. He looked back at me and Draco as if he wanted us to follow him. With a confused glance at Buchanan, Draco heaved himself off of my bed and the two of us followed my cat into my father's room. He wasn't in there and it looked as though the bed hadn't been slept in. It didn't worry me, I had seen him asleep on the sofa last night. Buchanan turned out of the room and led us down the stairs. We followed him apprehensively into the kitchen, however, there was no sign of my father there either. It was only now that I began to worry. By 9am, as was the time, my father was usually awake, he would have usually come into the kitchen and opened all the windows - it was something he felt he had to do in the summer. Draco and I followed Buchanan out of the kitchen and headed into the living room. Buchanan jumped up onto the sofa that had it's back to us and I sighed in relief - Buchanan had jumped up onto someone's lap. Assuming it was my father, I rushed into the room but recoiled in shock. Buchanan was sat on Professor Snape's lap.
"Wh-where's my f-father?" I asked, confused, Snape's face a contortion of sorrow.
Draco took another step towards me, placing his hand on my shoulder, comfortingly.
"Ophelia... I-I'm sorry. I couldn't stop them, it had already been done when I arrived. The Death Eaters... they..."
"My f-father's d-dead?" I whispered, my voice shaking uncontrollably.
Snape shook his head.
"He is alive."
I sighed in relief but my heart was still racing erratically. I was unsure what was worse. By not knowing the nature of the torture my father would be put through, I wondered whether he would better fair from them killing him. I shuddered, I couldn't think like that. I had already lost my mother and, although we weren't close, it was the worst occurrence I had ever experienced.
"I have come here to take you both somewhere safe. You cannot stay here."
It was the pure shock of my father's absence that kept the tears threatening to fall at bay as I listened to what Snape was saying.
"I am to take you to the old Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, you will be safe there."
I nodded slightly.
"I'll g-go and p-pack a tr-trunk."
My voice was hoarse as I turned and headed up the stairs. Grabbing a spare trunk from my room, I began to throw my clothes blindly into it, Draco slipping into my bedroom. In silence, he helped to pack my clothes before I turned to pack Buchanan's things. It wasn't long before, between Draco and I, we had packed most of my belongings. Glancing around my now bare bedroom, I felt tears brimming. I swallowed the lump in my throat as Draco levitated my trunk. Together, in silence, we headed out of my bedroom and down the stairs to where Professor Snape and Buchanan were waiting. 
"Due to the unfortunate fact, Ophelia, that you are not yet 17, we must apparate somewhere a little further away from the Headquarters as one may have hoped." began Snape as Draco and I entered the room. 
His eyes passed over mine and Draco's clothing and he decided that we were suitably dressed to be out in the muggle world. Swiftly transfiguring my trunk into a muggle suitcase, Snape headed towards the door. I followed him,  clutching onto Draco's hand for support, Buchanan following us. Once outside, I looked back at my house and I felt tears prick my eyes again. 
"Wh-what's g-going to hap-happen to Madeleine a-and Edward?" I asked, staring at my house, taking it all in. 
Professor Snape looked at me, stopping in his tracks.
"They will be okay. I will ensure Professor McGonagall takes care of them."

I nodded and looked back at my house one final time.

"L-let's go."

As Snape apparated with us, I felt the world spin around me and my mind began to wander. Everything had changed. Draco and I were on the run. We would be unable to finish our education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry because of the battle. I was unsure of the wellbeing of my siblings and of Elisa because of the battle. I wasn't sure I would see most of the people I had grown up with again because of the battle. And of course, this battle was all because of Lord Voldemort, the worst dark wizard in all of history, and the one man he was ever scared of had been killed. Lord Voldemort was no longer scared, he was no longer vulnerable. Lord Voldemort was back and he would stop at nothing to find Harry Potter, even if it meant destroying everything in his path. 


Hey guys!!

Wow. Thoughts? Everything is really heating up now. From now on, it's going to be a combination of domestic Drophelia and a war riddled universe. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed this and thank you for reading!! I love you all!!

- Izzy xx

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