Arianne winced as the rum went down. It reminded her of the first time she got drunk in the back of Chase's jeep. He'd stolen a handle of his dad's best rum. They mixed it with Coke and drove to the old farmhouse on the edge of town. She lost her virginity that afternoon. She remembered thinking how lucky she was to have a guy like him. He'd been gentle and kind, taking it slow so as not to hurt her. He whispered how perfect she was, and how he loved her, how he'd always love her. In her mind, she knew they were young and couldn't make such promises, but her heart had foolishly believed his feelings would remain true.

She was older, and wiser now—her rose-colored glasses crushed by the heels of reality. Garrett believed they were the same, but his glasses were only fractured. He could still see the good, unlike Arianne who sprinkled a handful of cynicism on every situation. What would happen when their two viewpoints collided? Would she wear him down until they were the same scarred skeptics? And if that happened, would he grow to resent her like her mother resented her father?

Of course, she was assuming they would get to that point. Something she was seriously doubting. While she didn't particularly like his friends, she understood their frustrations. No matter how difficult it was, Arianne had opened up to Garrett about her past. She might not have told him everything, but he knew the majority of it. Garrett, however, had yet to reciprocate. She didn't know if it was a conscious effort on his part or an instinctive reaction, but either way, it stung.

"Another?" Marisol asked, holding up a bottle of rum. Arianne nodded, and she filled the shot glass. Arianne threw her head back and welcomed the burn. Maybe the alcohol would numb her mind so she could enjoy the night.

There was another knock on the door, and it swung open. Arianne's heart pounded as the velvety sound of Garrett's voice filled the room.

"Pre-gaming already?" he asked. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Dee fan herself and mouth "holy shit" to Marisol.

As Arianne turned, she felt the whole world slowing down, every minute detail a vivid wash of color. The walls were whiter, the wood was richer, and Garrett...

Her body seized as all the air whooshed out of her. He'd always been a good looking guy, but in a black suit, he smoldered. He wore a silver bow tie accented with a dark gray button-up shirt that shimmered under the fluorescent lights like it had silver threads weaved throughout it.

"Hi," he whispered, his voice low and rough. His green eyes were lit by an inner candle, and she felt him silently beckoning for her to come close and make a wish before the light flickered out. Her feet moved across the floor, and he opened his arms, welcoming her to his embrace. She took a deep breath, letting his sweet and spicy scent envelope her like a cozy blanket on a winter's night.

He pulled back slightly, allowing enough room between them to open a small white box she hadn't noticed before. "I know it's not a traditional corsage with flowers and stuff, but I thought you might like this better." It wasn't merely a corsage. It was an art piece. It had a silver deco brooch with white feathers fanning out from the top and attached to the back was a satin ribbon which matched her dress perfectly.

"I asked Morgan," he explained. "May I?"

"Oh my god, this is sooo romantic," Dee whispered.

Speechless, she held out her hand. He guided it to his lips first and gave her a small kiss before turning her wrist over and tying on the corsage. "You look beautiful."

Her skin tingled where his lips had touched. "You look perfect," she whispered back. Then she realized what she said. "I mean you look great. Really great."

They made small talk, the girls drinking a bit more while Garrett abstained, then he glanced at his watch. "We should make our way to the parking lot." He escorted all three of them but kept Arianne close like he was afraid she'd poof, and disappear into a magic bottle.

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