Famine Makes You Do Crazy Things...

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We started to gather our stuff when all of a sudden Sam collapsed onto the floor, groaning.

"Sam? Sammy!" Dean yelled, trying to pull him up. I was going to help put I just had the feeling that Dean was going to go all "protective" over his brother. Dean successively pulled Sam up and he motioned Dean to follow him into the bathroom. I heard Dean talking to Sam about something, but all I got out of the conversation was "blood". Dean walked out of the bathroom, a grim look coming upon his face. I stood there with Cas and I raised an eyebrow, Cas just scarfing down another burger like a deranged maniac.

"So, what's the 411 Dean? Why is Sam all chained up?" I said, tapping my foot.

"Listen, he has to stay here. It's the demon blood, he's itching for it again" He said, almost like he was scared.

"Oh....Well Sam...I hope you're ok...Dean we should probably get a move on if we want to stop the addiction" I gestured to both Sam and Cas and he nodded. Cas, Dean, and I all piled into the impala (with me in the back, of course...) and drove off to BigGerson's.


We pulled up to the back of the restaurant slowly and turned off the car. I shifted in the back and Dean snapped his fingers at Cas, trying to get him out of his burger trance.

"You want to go over the plan again? Hey, happy meal. The plan?" Dean said to Cas, licking the wrapper of his hamburger

"I take the knife, I go in, I cut off the ring hand of Famine, and I meet you back here in the parking lot" He rushed, licking his fingers. I raised an eyebrow at them both.

"Well, that sounds foolproof." Dean said. Cas dissapeared and he sighed. A few minutes passed and he loudly exhaled. "This is taking too long. Lexi, you stay in here and under no circumstances do you get out of this car, understand?" He said, opening the drivers door.

"Got it. Make sure to punch famine in the face for me, mmk?" I said.

"Got it" He loudly shut the door and headed torwards the resteraunt. I sat in the car for about a minute when I realized that I couldn't just sit there. I "sneakily" climbed up to the passengers seat and opened the door. I started to slowly walk over to the back door when I heard a small whoosh and I knew it could only be him.

"Hello darling. Might I ask you what you're doing?" He said, leaning on the brick wall. I was going to ignore him but then something came over me, something like....lust.....almost. I ran over to him and pinned him to the wall. He smirked and put his hands on my hips. "I like this side to you darling. Even if you are being possessed by one of the horsemen, maybe it's not so bad after all-" he was cut off by my lips on his. We moved in sync, my hands running through his hair. He groaned and spun me around, now pinning me against the wall. We let go of the kiss and he cupped my chin with his hand. "One thing love, I always get the upper hand" He said seductively. He kissed me again, pulling me closer. Suddenly, something sparked in my mind, a loss of lust and addiction, and I was still kissing him. I heard the opening of a large metal door and two pairs of feet walk, then stop. I stopped kissing Crowley and he disappeared.

"Hello Lexi...." Cas said. Dean and Sam walked out of the building (how the hell did Sam get here?!) and gathered around me, who was now leaning against the wall, trying to contain my blushing.

"Well howdy boys" I said awkwardly. "Sam! How in lord's name did you get here?" I said, trying to change the fact that I just kissed the King of the Crossroads.

"I just.....did" Sam said with a grim expression. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"C'mon, we got what we needed so let's go" Dean showed me the ring and we all walked torwards the car, Cas and I in the back.


We pulled in front of Bobby's house and Dean grabbed Sam, shoving him into the house. Cas and I speed-walked after the boys and saw Dean shove Sam into the panic-room. I looked at Dean in dismay, him giving me the same look. Sam screamed in the other room and Dean just sighed, a hint of sadness in it.

"That's not him in there, not really" Cas said, looking at Dean.

"I know" He replied back.

" Dean, Sam just has to get it out of his system. Then he'll be-"

"Listen, I just, uh...I just need to get some air." Dean said. He walked up the stairs and opened the front door. Cas looked sympathetically at me before I ran into his arms. I started crying, wrapping my arms around Cas. He gave me a confused look before wrapping his arms around me. I cry into his chest.

"It will be ok Lexi. Sam just needs to get the blood out of his system, then he will be fine"

"Yeah, I-I know" I sniffle "It's j-just that I don't know if it's going to happen again, or if we'll never see him again. I know what's going on with Lucifer, and all of that possession stuff, but what if we never see him again?" I look at Cas and I hug him tighter, holding back my tears.

"I promise you Lexi, He will be ok" He says. We let go of the hug and I smile, still sniffling.

"I should probably get to bed, goodnight Cas"

"Goodnight Lexi. Sweet dreams"

'Maybe even sweeter when I'm in them darling' I hear Crowley say. I push it off and start to head up the stairs, walking into Bobby's spare bedroom, throwing myself under the covers and eventually dozing off to sleep.

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