“God, that's goddamn low.That is why you were called in.” She whispered.

I nodded, prompting her to continue, “Jeez, and to think Braydon saved his ass.”

I furrowed my eyes in confusion, unsure of what she was saying.
“What do you mean?” I asked.

Sarah raised her eyebrows at me. “I thought you knew, the only reason Gregg didn't get chucked out of the team was because Braydon pleaded with the dean not to do that.”

What? Why didn't I know of this.

The teacher decided to walk into the class at that exact moment, forcing our conversation to an end. I began to retrieve my books from my bag and prepared myself to take lengthy notes for this class. But there was a nagging feeling at the back of my head that just won't go away, and it definitely had something to do with a certain brown eyed boy.


After the last class of my day, and still no sign of Braydon I decided to go to the parking lot to see him.

He had to come by his car.

I said my goodbyes to Nathan and Arthur, promising to meet them at 11 tomorrow morning for our ride together to Carlton. My overactive mind began listing down the things I had to do as soon as I reached home, I hardly had time and my stupid partner was wasting more of it by not showing up at all.

I hadn't even packed for Christ's sake!

“Ugh, stupid hazel eyed boy.” I muttered under my breath.

“That is not a very nice way to greet your partner now, is it?”

I turned around to face the cocky, tall guy in front of me and rolled my eyes. The grin on his face stretched as he saw my reaction. I walked up to him and pushed him lightly causing him to loose his footing.

“Hey!” Braydon exclaimed, his then wide grin was replaced by an annoyed expression.

“Where the hell were you? I've been trying to find you all day!” I shouted.

Whatever happened to staying calm.

“Why, did you miss me?” he smirked, making me pinch his arm.

Braydon yelped and I released my hand from around his. “Jesus woman, what is with all this violence? Psycho.”

“I asked you a goddamn question, you twat!”

“Twat? Really what are-”

I glared at him. “Braydon fucking Grey, I am not hear to hear you criticize me. I'm hear to ask you where the fuck were you the entire day when I had to ask you about our plan for tomorrow! Which might I add, was your idea,” I yelled out, which made him shut up and frown.

“Fine, no need to yell. I was with the team since lunch.” He mumbled out, causing me to let out a sigh and run my temples.

“Okay, alright. I just wanted to tell you I'll be reaching Carlton by 2 tomorrow. I'll go and see the botanical garden, and find you know-the places that are suitable. We can go there on Sunday then.”

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