These Are My Confessions

Start from the beginning

Anger was the dominate feeling I felt as I saw the mugging boy with black hair and green eyes that laid on the picture, but then came hate, betrayal, and sorrow. That boy had been my best friend so long ago when we were both innocent. He had smiled with me and picked me up when I fell down to see him on that page and knowing what he did to my ma made me sick.

"Why would he come back now?" Sammy said, shocked by the information. He remembered Alberto because we had been like the three musketeers as kids. No one could take us apart and no one dared. We had been together when his pops was taken out and after that he hated us for something we didn't do.

"We think he found out about Tommy and decided to strike when we were the weakest," Sam answered his son. Sammy shook his head and grabbed my hand in his. I squeezed his fingers and he did mine back. I missed times like these when it was me and him against the world. I missed when we had each other's backs and I missed when we just hung out. It's been forever.

"So he came back to kill your ma since he thinks Emilio killed his?" Lucca said. I nodded and he scuffed. "What a fucking tool."

"I can't believe he came back," Georgie inserted.

"None of us can," Cecilio said back.

I felt familiar eyes on me so I looked up at Gio and found that he was staring pointedly down at Sammy and my intertwined fingers. I smiled and blew a kiss at him when he met my eyes. Oh how I love, not only fucking him, but fucking with him as well. His eyes widened and then a beautiful blush crept up his face. I smiled wider and winked and realized a little too late that everyone had gone silent and was staring at me.

I blushed but tried to keep my cool as some shifted uncomfortably, looking between us two.

 "Wh-what did I miss?" I said with a nonchalant look but on the inside I was freaking out worrying if they would always treat us like this.

"The boys all need rooms so I expect you to distribute and give them blankets, towels and anything else," Pops said with a smirk. I nodded and pulled Sammy up with me because our hands were still clasped. I leaned near his ear and he stiffened.

"I need to talk to you later," I whispered. He nodded and I looked up to see Angel glaring at me. Okay?

"Follow me boys and try to partner up," I said as we went up the stairs.

"I call Vincent!" Leo yelled as he wrapped an arm around me. I waited one- two- three-

"Fuck that! Leo, get your own man!" Gio yelled and pulled me into his body. I smiled and kissed the side of his neck. He laughed and pushed my face away. When we got up the stairs, everyone looked at each other with weird eyes.

I sighed. "Go ahead and ask."

"Who tops?"

"What the fuck?"

"When did this happen?"

"How the fuck did this happen?


"You asshole!"

"I can't believe you're gay!"

"I thought you loved me?" was the last smart ass comment from Leo.

I stared at them and slowly began to answer questions.

"I top because he loves it-"

"You could have said we haven't done that yet!" Gio hissed and hit my side.

"But then I would have been lying, baby."

"Stronzo," he muttered.

"Okay," I said with a smirk. "I top. It started the first day we met each other but the relationship part just kind of manifested until we exploded and had angry sex with each other, I wouldn't have guessed I was gay either, and Leo, shut the fuck up." They all laughed as Gio hit me in the side of my head for the 'angry sex part'. "It wasn't planned guys, I swear. We just kind of happened."

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