"Please, don't try to make me feel bad for having Blake on my service. Amelia has already let me know how she feels about it and I don't feel like having another argument today" she sighs

"I'm not going to argue with you for doing your job, I just want to make sure that you're okay" I say. Out of everyone Derek's death obviously effected Meredith, Amelia, and I the most, so we had to be there for each other during times like this.

"I'm fine I'm just trying to rise above and be professional" she says

"Okay. Well I'm here if you need to talk or even if you need me to take Penny on my service" I say

"I can handle it, but thank you" she smiles

"No problem" I say before leaving

"Your husband is impossible" April says walking over to me in the hallway

"Well hello to you too" I chuckle

"Jackson wants to amputate my patients hands. He's not even trying to operate on the tumors. I know they're an extreme case, but I did not bring this little boy over here for his hands to be amputated, I brought him over here so Jackson can save his hand, but he's saying it's hopeless" she says. Jackson had already text me and told me about this case and how him and April had been arguing about it all morning

"April, Jackson's trying here, but you lied to him about the scans. You didn't tell him how bad they were. You lied about a little boy, you didn't give him enough information to even know what to expect, so you can't be mad at him about his form of treatment unless you can come up with another solution" I say honestly before walking away. I go back to the conference room to do some paperwork, but after around an hour Jackson walks into the room.

"Hey, you busy" Jackson asks walking into the room

"Kind of. I have to work on the schedule and a bunch of files. Why? Did you need something" I ask

"Yeah, you know the patient that April brought in that I was telling you about" he asks sitting beside me

"Yeah" I nod

"Well I was thinking, trying to figure out if there's anyway I can avoid amputating this little boys hands and I think I've found away with your help" he says

"Okay, I'm listening" I nod

"Well I was thinking we'll debulk the tumor from the dorsal surface and see if there's any usable bone" he says

"Good idea. Where do I come in" I ask

"I need you to salvage any good nerves that we can find and repair as much of the nerve damage as possible, I know you're busy but ..."he says

"I'll do it Avery, you don't have to try to convince me" I say

"Thank you, you're the best" he says

"I know, I am" I smirk as he kisses me. He has to leave to talk to April and Doctor Riggs a surgeon from over seas who has worked and the patient before and came to Seattle with him. I stayed in the conference room until Jackson paged me and told me it was time to start the surgery. I went to get scrubbed in before joining him and Callie in the O.R.

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