Come Back

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Its been all day. She hasn't come back. I so worried. Not that im afraid shes physically hurt, I'm afraid shes mentally hurt. Crying somewhere in the woods. I finally decide to go look for her. Apologize for lying to her for all the years.. I get my jacket on. Its a bit cold out, but I still think shes fine.

I walk around the forest. Calling her name. I did that all afternoon. Till the sun started going down. I was about to give up, when I saw a yellow and pink mass huddled up by some animals. "Fluttershy! There you are.." I said. "Oh, hi mom.." the little animals scamper away. "Look Fluttershy... Im so sorry I lied to you.. And and..." I said tearing up. "Please dont cry mom.. I forgive you." she said. Wrapping a wing around my arm. "I understand now, you only did it to protect me... You just wanted me to be happy." she said hugging me. I hugged her back. "Yes.. Thats all I ever wanted.." I said. We eventually went home. And had some pizza for dinner.

After all that a week passed. She had grown fond of watching My Little Pony. Though she found it odd watching herself go on adventures she couldn't remember. Either way I was relieved to have my little Fluttershy back. But little did I know, our time together was running out...


phew. took a while but yaaaay. I did it.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 04, 2014 ⏰

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