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Fluttershy is now about her full size. About 3 feet tall. She is 11 years old now. But in pony years probably like 16 or 17..

Today is the day. Due to me saving up, and getting lucky on a lottery ticket. I have gotten enough money to move. A lovely house isolated from the town a mile away. Two acres of land and a big forest for her to roam in. She is happy, and sad. "Do we have to leave?" she asked. "Its ok. This will be much better than here." I told her. But I could see why she was sad about moving. She grew up here, played in the empty fields and hid in clouds across town. I promised her she could still do that. She didnt argue, just nodded.


It wasnt as hard as I expected to get her to the new house. She hid in a cloud and floated across the sky, following the truck.

We got everything moved in. And cable installed. Fluttershy is playing with Oscar. Im just watching television. There really isnt anything going on. But I did manage to get a new job. A much better paying one.

Fluttershy asked me about getting a job. But I reminded her why she couldn't. It broke my heart to see her look so sad. But she said she was fine. Then an idea sparked in my head. I bought some flower seeds. And told her it was her job to water them and grow them. She was thrilled, and took it seriously. Giving them plant food, watering them, and pulling weeds. I even paid her, and she could buy things. Of course, I had to acually buy it. But she still felt proud that she worked for her things. She even said that it was her job to feed and brush Oscar. Oscar doesn't do much anymore. He is old and slow. But we love him all the same. I have to go to work, I leave tv on and say goodbye.

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