Chapter 5

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          It was the end of the school day. Kent didn't see Cal for the rest of the day since the two talked about the homecoming dance. Kent was looking for him to tell him that new girl was the same girl from the concession stand at the football game. It turns out that Cal had gotten checked out of school by his mom, so Kent had to make the trip to the car alone today. It was probably a good thing, because the only thing Kent could think about was seeing the girl from the game in his art class, so he probably would've been tuning Cal out anyway.

Kent had made it home and he made the usual trip to the kitchen and grabbed a quick snack. He walked to the living room where Miyah was sitting on the floor watching  TV.

"Hey KJ!"

"Hey kiddo. What you up to?"

"Nothing much. Mommy is upstairs and Daddy isn't home yet, so I was just watching some cartoons."

"Okay. Did you eat?"

"Yeah. Mommy made me sandwiches after school."

"Okay. Well I'm about to sit outside okay?"

"Okay," she said as she turned back towards the TV.

Kent stepped outside with his pack of crackers and sat on the little outside swing they had sitting in the shade. He just sat there and stared off into space, thinking about the girl from the game. He found it weird himself that she had caught his attention so easily. He sat there trying to figure out what it was about her that was so different. Yeah, she's very beautiful and all, but it was something else that stood out. Something only she had. It had to be those eyes. Those dark brown eyes of hers could turn the therapist to the patient with one glare. So much power in those one set of eyes..

Kent sat outside for a good, little while. His dad had eventually came home him and his mom sat in the living room with Miyah. Kent stayed outside sitting on the swing when a 2005 Chevy Trailblazer pulled up in the front. It was Cal's mom dropping him off. Kent noticed Cal had a bag around his shoulder which meant he was spending the night. Kent waves at Cal's mom as she drives off, and Cal joins Kent on the swing.

"What's up bro?" Cal greets Kent as he puts his bag down and sits on the swing.

"Nothing much. Just doing a little thinking. What did your mom check you out of school for?"

"She took me to get my clothes for the homecoming dance. She wanted me to wear a suit, but I told her it was homecoming and not prom. I just ended up getting a nice shirt, jeans, & some new shoes."

"That's what's up bro."

"Yeah man. Did you find a date while I was gone?" Cal asked as he leaned back and crossed his legs pretending to be a therapist.

"Nope. But guess what?"


"The new kid at school you was talking about is in my art class. She's the same girl that I told you that I bumped into at the concession stand at the football game a few weeks ago."

Cal noticed how much Kent was smiling while he was telling him the news.

"So you like her?" Cal asked.

"All I said was that she was in my art class," Kent said smiling even harder.

"Dude. I can see the back of your teeth from you smiling so hard. It's nothing wrong with you liking her bro."

"I don't like her. She's just..she just seems like a nice person."

"You should ask her to the dance," Cal insisted.

"We haven't even had a conversation yet."

"Dude, it's not rocket science. Go up to her and talk to her. Get to know her, but you only have 3 days until the dance, so you better move quick."

No one would have ever thought that Kent, the most popular guy in school, would end up getting advice about a girl. Especially from Cal.

"You really think I should I ask her?" Kent asked with this hopeful look on his face.

"Of course. I haven't seen you this excited over a girl in a while. You should definitely ask her."

"Time to eat Kent!" Miyah yells out from the front door.

"C'mon kid. Let's go eat."

The two get up and walk in the house and the family greets Cal. Kent's mom goes back to the kitchen and makes an extra plate for Cal as he joined everyone in the dining room where the family sat and ate dinner.

After dinner, Kent and Cal wash their dishes and goes upstairs to get ready for school. Cal stayed over so much that he even had his own bed in Cal's room. It was an extra bed that Kent's mom had gotten from her mom, and they decided to let Cal use it for when he comes over.

After they both had took their showers, the two boys climb into their beds. Cal has been complaining about how tired he was, so it only took him a few minutes to actually go to sleep.
          Kent just laid on his side looking outside the window. All he could think about what was how he was going to ask the girl in his art class to the dance. What he would say. How he would say it. He wanted to have it all planned out before he actually asked her.

Kent would eventually doze off..
with the girl on his mind..
and a smile on his face.

A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing (Pt. 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin