Chapter 2

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          School was out and KJ was walking out of the building on his way to his car when Ashley had popped out of the bathroom (rather stalker-ishly) and caught up to him. Ashley was just about perfect when it came to her physical appearance. She had the perfect face and the perfect body. She had it all. Every guy wanted her. Everyone except KJ.

"Heyyyy KJ", she said twirling her finger at the end of her nicely curled hair.

"Hey Ashley. How are you?"
"I'm wonderful. I'm really excited for the game tonight. You're going to be there right?", she started nudging his shoulder waiting for his response.
"Um, yeah. I didn't have to work tonight, so I figured I'd go."

"Good! Tonight should be one fun night." She gave him a look that implied a rather obvious meaning of the word "fun."

She turned off and headed towards her friends of whom she road home with.

Kent had gotten only a few yards away from his car before he heard Cal running full speed trying to catch up with him. Cal rides home with Kent everyday, and he knows that Kent wouldn't leave him, but he insists on running to the car anyway.

"Yo man!" he started but had to stop talking to catch his breath. "I saw you talking to Ashley. You like her?"
Kent just let out a huge sigh as they both closed the car doors of Kent's new 2017 Camaro that he had just recently receive as a gift, and started the 20 minute drive to Kent's house.

They pulled up to the house to Kent's little 5 year old sister, Miya outside playing with one of her friends. Miya and Kent were as close as brother and sister can get. He was always really protective of her.

"Heyyy KJ!" she says excitedly, running towards him for him to pick her up.

"Hey kid!"
"Guess what! Mom asked what i wanted to eat for dinner, and i chose your favorite food!"
"Meat lovers pizza from Pizza Hut?"
"With extra cheese!" she yelled.
"That's my girl!" KJ said as he put her down to let her run back out with her friend.

Kent and Cal walked in the house and sat their bags on the kitchen floor. They started preparing some quick after-school snacks when KJ's mom came into the kitchen.

"Hey boys." she said as she immediately took over making the snacks. She always preferred doing it herself.

"Hey Mom."

"Hey Mrs. J"

Kent's mom was your average super mom. If she wasn't working at the local nursing home, she was taking orders as a waitress at some new restaurant that just came into town. Despite having two jobs, she always found time for her two children and husband. That's what made her so super.

"How was school?"

Before Kent could say anything, Cal started blabbing about Ashley again.

"KJ is being mean to this girl at school that really likes him."
"Being mean" Kent said in a mocking voice along with air quotations.

His mom chuckled. "Why don't you like her KJ?"

"I mean, she's very pretty and all, but she just doesn't seem like the one for me."

"He says that about every girl that has tried to get together with him. I tried telling him that every girl isn't like Lexi."

Kent couldn't do anything but put his hand over his face.

Kent and his mom have a very open relationship, so he told her just about everything. She knew all about the Lexi situation.

"Maybe Cal has a point KJ. I know it was tough going through what you went through with Lexi, but not every girl is out to hurt you. You should be a little more open to meeting someone new."

Kent's dad walked in with some groceries which broke the awkward silence that filled the kitchen.

"What's up boys."
"Hey Dad."
"What's up Mr. J."

KJ's dad was just as super as his mom. He was the football coach at the high school, and from what I've heard & seen, he's one of the best.

"Hey babe." he said as he kissed my mom and put the groceries on the counter.
"You boys coming to the game tonight?"

"Yes sir," Cal said with a big smile on his face.

"Don't you have to work KJ?" his mom asked.

"I found someone to cover my shift so that i could go."

"Alrighty then. I guess I'll stay here and me and Miyah could have some girl time tonight."

On cue, Miya and her friend came running in the home screaming and laughing. Kent's mom gathered them up and got them to sit down as she ended up making snacks for everyone.

"Oh yeah Mom, Miyah told me you was getting pizza for dinner. You can just get enough for you guys, and we'll grab something to eat on the way home after the game," Kent said.

"Alright kiddo."

The game started at 7 p.m., but Kent's dad had to be at the school at 6. He insisted that the boys ride with him, but they didn't want to get there super early, so they decided to take Kent's car and the two just sat around the house until they were ready to leave.

A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing (Pt. 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя