"I know that we hadn't anticipated for this to go on for so long but" Rebecca paused and took a deep breath before continuing "I have seen a change in Brandon. He used to work all the time and never really had a chance to be with his family. How he comes home early and he actually calls his father and I on the weekends to check in. we have seen him more over then summer then the last ten years. And I am sure that he tells you all the time but you really do mean a lot to him. He will take care of you dear".

Madison looked down a little "that's only because he think's I'm his wife".

Rebecca shook her head "he and Madelyn never had a connection like this. I mean he loved her but what they had was always kind of more friendship than romance. He would make time for her but still if h needed to work late then he would. But with you he will make any excuse to come home early".

With a small shrug Madison said, "that's only because he wants to be with the kids".

"He takes you out on dates doesn't he?" Rebecca said "and from my understanding he is the one that plans them. He would only take Madelyn if she insisted or if it was an anniversary. Other than that he never really did much". Rebecca quickly added "but never question that he didn't love her. He loved her with all his heart".

"I would never question that he didn't love her" Madison said "from the way you talk about her you seem to have a lot of admiration for her".

"I do, but I have admiration for you too" Rebecca said softly "you have been given a hard deck of cards to handle but you have certainly made the best out of it" she insisted. When Madison still didn't seem convinced Rebecca added "I know maybe I have seen cold and distant towards you but you need to understand that it's hard for me too. I already lost one daughter in law and eventually I'll lose you too. I didn't want to get attached to you".

Madison sighed in understanding. She had been worried about the same thing too. She hadn't wanted to get close to even Brandon in fear that she would get too attached to him and miss him when he was finally gone. But eventually she seemed to have warmed up to and inch-by-inch she got closer to him.

"I didn't want to get close to you either" Madison admitted "even with Brandon I was worried about getting close to him but he grew on me. He's like my best friend now".

Rebecca eyed her curiously "Madison is there any chance you may have fallen in love with my son?" her words may have been said softly but they felt like daggers. Madison could feel the butterflies return to her stomach, but not in a good way. In fact she felt sick to her stomach. She wrapped her arms around herself as if she was giving herself a hug. "That's what I thought" her fake mother in law said.

Madison sighed a little "so is there anything else you needed today?" she asked trying to change the subject.

"Ah yes" Rebecca said "but first I was hoping you might join me for a little trip".

It took her a moment to consider it, she assumed that Rebecca would want to take her to a store or something and she wasn't usually one to go to the mall but since the other choice was being home alone she decided to go along with her. It wasn't until they were both settled in the car did Rebecca mention the other topic. "My parents will be coming over for thanksgiving and they are anxious to meet the kids".

"Your parents?" Madison questioned. She had never really thought that this lie would go further than Brandon's parents but now his grandparents were getting involved?

"Yeah and we are going to have a large family dinner together. So we would like for you to join us for dinner. My parents live up North and we only see them around the holiday seasons. But they really love kids. When Brandon was born they always used to dote on him. And I am sure they will enjoy the time with your kids, especially your little girls".

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