Goodbye Stiles

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Isaac p.o.v

I got into the car, seeing Scott sitting there, Derek getting in beside him. I hugged her close to my chest, kissing her forehead before the car started. When we drove by the forest, the car stopped harshly, making me hit the seat in front of me. I looked out the window,seeing Stiles with blood all over him. I got out, leaving (Y/N) in the car, claws showing. "Isaac! thank god, someone is trying to kill me!"

I looked at him, having a bad feeling as I opened the back of the car, grabbing one of the guns, that were Alisson's before she died. I pointed it towards his heart, hearing Scott's voice. "Isaac...what are you doi-"

"IT'S NOT HIM!...It's not him, It's not Stiles" I looked into his eyes, seeing Stiles's eyes turn silver like for a second. Scott grabbed the gun, making me pull it back, throwing him to the ground before I shot him in the heart. Stiles felt backwards, His true form showing. I grabbed scott, getting him into the car before taking the front seat, driving towards the way, the skinwalker came from. I noticed a body on the ground, getting out fast. "STILES!"

I saw Derek follow right behind me, we both lifted him up. "Dude, you sound like a girl that saw her crush get murdered in a horror movie." His voice were shaken, but his sarcasm glowed through it. Derek lifted him slowly, taking off his jacket to cover him a little. I frowned but didn't lay anything in it as I went back, driving to Deaton with them all.

I stopped outside of it, lifting (Y/N) into the clinic, hugging her close. I sat in the corner with her, seeing a smile across her face. I saw Deaton help Stiles, putting all my attention back on her. I stroke her hair softly, kissing her cheek to let her know I was really there. I felt tears show as I softly chuckled. "I need to get you a new lip balm, the skinwalker threw it out for pineapple lip balm. I saw her stuck her tongue out, hearing her make a throw up sound before she chuckled.

Derek looked at us, sighing. "At least your first girl didn't die in your arms". I looked at him, seeing his gaze being back on Stiles. "At least your boyfriend didn't die."

Derek looked at me, smirking, making me think twice. "Wait Derek are you serious!?" I looked at Stiles, a bruise being over his cheek and his hand being in Derek's while he were being healed by him. "I would have murdered you if you killed the real one"

I smiled, seeing how Derek were all relaxed, smiling when Stiles looked up at him. "what's with the smile, mister sourwolf" and that's, where I saw them kiss, Scott dropping his cup while I laughed, feeling a pair of girly nails go into my chest, pinching my skin. "oka oka oka no making fun, I got it"

"Good, by the way, I have known for some time that they were together, have you seen them looking at each other all the time?" I heard her giggle when she were done talking, making me smile. "I'm happy I got my fox back, my girlfriend back"

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