Snow White Fur

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Isaac p.o.v

I grabbed my jacket as I hurried my way out, slamming the door loudly behind me. I could hear his voice loudly, telling me to come back, which I couldn't make myself do. I felt something slowly slide down my cheek, a wet feeling. My fingers slowly went over it, making me flinch in pain and pull my hand away, blood showing on them. I ran down the street, down the sides of the buildings, making my way through the forest to get to Scott faster.

I stopped slowly when I heard a small heartbeat, Hearing it beat slower and slower. I looked around, following the sound until my eyes landed on a small fox, snow white with fur looking so soft. I saw it move uneasy, trying to get away from me in fear. My eyes changed as I had eye contact with it as I held my hand out to it. I felt its soft tail on my hand, making me smile as I slide my hand under it to lift it. My nose caught its scents, smelling her fear when a branch broke behind me. Her tiny body trembles badly, with the sound of whines filling my ears, which made my head hurt.

I slowly turned around, bending down when a branch got thrown my way. I transformed, growling at the person, only to see the persons eyes show red. I kept growling, keeping the small fox close to my chest, not letting the person get close to it. When the person got closer, I saw it was a boy around my age, maybe a little older. His hand got stretched out, his voice sounding all deep and scary, no wonder it was scared. "Give her to me!"

I let out a loud howl while stepping back, not letting him even near her. I could feel how she were trembling, making me open my jacket and slide her into it, closing it again as I felt her cold body lay against my chest, with my arm under her so she wouldn't fall. I growled every time he came closer, ending up turning werewolf, making claws show. I moved my hand a little, making sure I didn't hurt her and before I knew it, he had a tight grip on my throat. "Give her to me" He growled in my face, tightening his grip.

I held onto his wrist with my other hand, lifting myself to make it possible to say something. I growled, spitting him in the face, talking in a hoarse voice. "Never".

I scratched his wrist before he threw me through the air, making me hit the tree, where I held her close to my stomach, making sure nothing happened to her. I tried getting up, my arm hurting too badly, feeling the healing stop. I looked at him, seeing him over me, making me curl into a ball, keeping her safe. When I looked up a little, I saw his teeth show. I closed my eyes, waiting for him to bite me, but it never came, only the sound of a roar and the sound of a body hitting a stone.

I looked up, seeing Scott stand over me, his eyes being blood red with his claws being out, blood dripping down from them. I sat up as much as possible, seeing the man having claw marks over his chest and stomach. The next thing I knew, Boyd, Erica and Derek were standing in front of me, Boyd kneeling down and lifting me to the car, putting me into the backseat. I slowly opened my jacket when he went back to the others, seeing her head lift a little, her beautiful (Eye Color) eyes, shined brightly, making me smile. I stroke her fur slowly, feeling her small fur as I smelled her perfume. "It's going to be okay" I hummed softly, seeing her curl up, falling asleep slowly, still being under my jacket, laying on my stomach.

I saw the door open again, Scott showing. "What happened Isa-" I shushed on him, stroking her ear, which he noticed, looking closer. He nodded, understanding why he needed to be quiet. He got into the front seat, driving home to himself. As soon as we got home, he helped me out, Derek's car stopping behind us, Erica, Boyd and himself of course following us in.

Boyd and Scott helped me down, making it possible for me to lay down with her on my stomach, without waking her.

"What happened Isaac?" Derek asked in a soft tone, letting the fox sleep, seeing how worn out she were. I looked at her, taking the blanket by the couch, laying over her and me. "I.... " I didn't say more, Derek seemed to understand, or that's what it looked like and when Erica asked what, Derek would only tell her to shut up, letting me be in peace. I shook my head, looking up at him. "He did it....He did it again"

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