Chapter 42: Lets take Four shopping...again

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Tobias POV

"Come on, bro!" I tell Zeke as he keeps getting distratcted by the skate shop while I keep trying to make him leave so we can buy the freaking ring.

"Give me a sec!" He complains.

"Zeke! Is your ring for god's sake! Are you coming or not?"
Great! I sound like an old grandpa.

He signs "fine"

I roll my eyes.

We finally arrive but Zeke stops at the door.

"I can't do it"

"What are you talking about?" I ask him.

"I can't do it. I can't buy a engagement ring. I can't get married"

I sign. "Zeke, we have talk about this millions of times. You love her. And you don't want to lose her. So you are getting that ring. Okay?"

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, then nods.

Once we are inside, a middle-age woman approaches us.

"Good afernoon, can I help you?" she asks.

Zeke immediately turns to look at me.

"Zeke, don't look at me, you're the one who's looking for something" I tell him. I refuse to play parent.

I don't think I have ever seen Zeke with this face, is like...ashamed, embarrass.

He turns to look at the woman, "I'm looking for an engagement ring"

"Engagement ring! Congratulations young man! Come this way, please"

"Well...she haven't say yes yet"

"Ow, I'm sure she will, don't worry! You're handsome and strong! You look like a cute kid!"

I'm really trying to contain my laugh, but I can't! I start laughing, I literally choked with my laugh.
HAHAHAHAHA she called him cute and kid! Oh damn, that was priceless!

He gives her a death glare but she totally ignores it as she walks towards the left side of the shop and waves for us to follow. "Come on, here there are!"

We follow and take a look at the rings.

"I don't know Four...which one would she like?"

"Dunno man, you know her better than I do."

"You aren't of much help" he complains.

I raise my eyebrows "If it wasn't for me, you'll still be on the skate shop!"

"Yeah, whatever, just help me choose"

"Okay, choose a couple and I help you decide"


I take out my phone to text Tris.

To: Tris

Missing you already :(

I look up, Zeke is still choosing. "Uh, can you like take them out so I can decide? Like a couple of them." he asks the woman.

"Of course! Tell me which ones"

Zeke point at a couple and I look back to my phone when I hear it buzz.

From: Tris

I miss u2 bb, where r u anyways?

Uh...where am I?

"Four, somethings wrong?" Zeke asks.

"Tris is asking where I am"

"Fuuuck. Bro you can't tell her."

"I know, I know, uuuhh..."

I have to think before answering. Where I am? I'm...I'm...

To: Tris

I'm helping Zeke with some shopping

She quickly responds.

From: Tris

Ok, see u when u get back ;)

To: Tris

Can't wait ;D

"Four! Some help here?"

"Yeah, sure"

There are three rings on top of the counter. The first one has a green medium size diamond. Th second one is all sparkling and has like two half hearts diamonds, color red. And the third one has a small emerald and has flowers draw around the ring.

"Choose" I tell him.

"Wait. You said if I choose some options you will help me choose!"

"Yeah, but I changed my mind"

Just then he slaps the back of my head and I'm too busy laughing to defend.

* * * * *

"I can't believe I just bought a wedding ring!" Zeke says.

"Feels weird doesn't it?"

"Sure it does. I mean, bro! We are the amazing Zeke and the intimidating Four! When did we became so..."

"Mature, grown-ups, old?"

"Yeah, all that" he agrees.

We share a laugh and then say goodbye as we head to our departments.

"Babe?" I ask as I go in.

I hear laughs from the kitchen. That means we have visitors, or Tris got insane and she's laughing alone, or maybe she's practicing her laugh. Practicing her laugh? Who does that?

Anyways, I decide to go and find out.

"Hey" Tris says as I go into the kitchen.

"Hey Tris" I say when I see we have visitors.That's a relieve, I kind of though she had finally lost it.



I'm back from the death, not really.

I'm SO sorry for disappearing for like a month, but here are my lame excuses:

1. I was reading your comments from chapter 26 and some of them were like really upsetting, so after reading them I didn't feel like continue writting AT ALL, but then I read some of the last chapter comments, and you're so kind and lovely and I didn't thought it will be fair from me.

2. I went on a trip! So I didn't had time.

And I also wanted to say that I have been mispelling wedding the whole story! And som of you thought I meant weed, but no. I meant wedding the whole time!

Lov you

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