Chapter 64: The Wedding!

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Tris POV

After it all, we are finally here.

I'm actually standing next to Christina waiting to walk to our men.

I look at her. She looks amazing. And she looks back at me.

"Tris...I'm so nervous!"

I can't help but smile, actually, I can't stop grinning since we arrived.

"Believe me, I know!"

She opens her mouth to say something, but gets interrupt by the song that starts paying for us. Which means, we have to walk now. I don't think I can. I am too nervous to walk.

Before I can even say anything, Chris gives me a little push on the back. I look at her, "come on, it's time. We can do it," my best friend says.

I nod, and She holds my hand, when we start walking to the aisle.

The first thing I notice is my amazing fiancé. He looks flawless, like nothing happened yesterday. Like he didn't woke up in the middle of nowhere, confused, and with no idea of what he's doing there.

His eyes focus on me, and that's when I realize I have been staring too. So I break the eye contact, and look around to take a look at my guests. Everyone is here, which is good and bad, because it mean Evelyn is here too. But I don't think about her, I think about this incredible guy, who I am about to marry, after all we have been through. This is it, Tris. This is your moment. From now on you are going to be Mrs. Eaton, no more Tris Prior. Tris Eaton.

I look at Uriah too, he's staring at Chris, just like I have just been staring at my man. He looks great too. Not as perfect as Tobias, but really good.

Now I'm sure. I have never been happier in my life. This is officially the best day of my life. Ugh, I sound like every married woman, ever.

Wooaaah, is it just me, or is this walk infinite?

Maybe it's us, maybe we are walking too slow.

Once we are finally standing besides our fiancés, the guy in front starts talking, I honestly don't know where he came from, I only know he's from Dauntless. Guess he has like a special permit or something to marry people.

He talks for a short time, so people won't get bored. Typical Dauntless, doing things fast. We all say our vows, which is really embarrassing and I literally whispered them, so only Tobias and the people who are closer could hear me. I mean, he vows are for him anyway, not for the rest of the people.

So why would they care?

He talks a little longer, blablabla, and the whole time I just want it to end, I want to kiss Tobias, and get out of here. Oh! I almost forgot! First the rings, then the kiss, and then, we get out of here.

Now I understand why people here don't have the party after the wedding, all you want to do is be alone with him.

I'm glad Chris didn't changed her mind about it when I tried to convinced of having one.

I should probably pay more attention to what the man is saying.

Woah. Why is he looking at me. What did he said?! I look at Tobias, searching for an explanation. He understands and smiles playfully, without answering my doubt.

I look at the man again, "sorry, could you say that again?"

"I asked you, Beatrice Prior, if you are willing to take Tobias Eaton as your husband, and promise to be with him no matter what. To stay together until death brings you apart?"


Then Tobias takes my hand, and slides the ring Zeke just handed him.

"Four, are you willing to take Tris Prior as your wife, and promise to be with her no matter what. To stay together until death brings you apart?"


I take Tobias hand, and slide the ring Shauna just gave me.

He asks the same to Uri and Chris, and once they both have agree, and the rings have been put on each others fingers, he finally says: "You may kiss the bride".

Tobias pulls me to him with his hand on my back, and I grab both sides of his face and finally kiss my husband.

My husband.

My husband.

My husband.

I can't help grinning like crazy.

I hear claps and whistles. My old self would have been embarrassed and would pull away. But that was Beatrice.

And I'm Tris now. So I pull away, not because of embarrassment, but to be able to take a good look at my new husband.

Everyone is still clapping. I look at my too best friends, Christina is crying badly, which makes me laugh. Uriah hugs her, causing her to cry harder.

I look back at Tobias, my husband -I'm never getting used to that- and he takes my hand. And we walk. hand in hand, the same aisle I just walked an hour ago.

I can't help but think this is a dream. Like I'm going to wake up any moment in the apartment. Come on Tris, don't be so ridiculous, this clearly just happened.

And I'm not Tris Prior anymore. I'm Tris Eaton. And nothing in the world could make me happier.


Hello guys,

I know, I know, it took me two months to update. But, it wasn't because of choice, really. I had an accident on right wrist, so I had a cast from my fingers to my elbow. Which means typing was really hard, and I wasn't supposed to do it really. So I couldn't update. I am really sorry guys, but anyway, the new update is here, hope you enjoyed it! Thanks you so much for always supporting me, you're the best <4

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