Benji: "Yes, we are alone! My Papi isn't home, he's at work."

Operator: "Okay, sweetie, an ambulance is on their way. A police officer is coming as well because I don't want you alone with your siblings. Will you go unlock the door so the paramedics and police officer can come in?"

Benji: "Yes, I can!"

Benji unlocks the door and walks back over to Will, Coralei and Theodore. Dobby is sniffing Will and is very concerned.

Operator: "Is Daddy bleeding anywhere?"

Benji: "No! But he's moving around now!"

Operator: "That's good. If he opens his eyes, tell him to stay still, okay? We don't want him to hurt himself. How old are your siblings? And what kind of doggy do you have?"

Benji: "Coralei is two and Theodore is a baby! A big baby, one that crawls and eats baby food! And Dobby is my dog! He is a German Shepherd!"

Operator: "You are an awesome big brother and such a smart boy! For calling 911 right away! I bet your Daddy and Papi are going to be so proud of you."

Benji: "I love my Daddy and Papi! I hear sirens!"

Operator: "Okay good! They are almost there! When they come in, can you help the police officer call your Papi?"

Benji: "Yes, I can! Thank you for helping me!"

Operator: "Your welcome! You are very sweet little boy, Benjamin."

"There's people at the door!" Coralei says as she stands at the front door.

Operator: "There's people at the door?"

Benji: "They are parking the ambulance!"

Operator: "Okay, I am going to hang up now. Talk to the police officer and paramedics."

Benji: "I will! Thank you!"

Operator: "You're welcome!"

Benji hangs up and holds Will's iPhone. Benji holds Dobby by his collar so he doesn't run. Coralei looks up at the paramedics as they walk in with their tools. The police officer walks in and picks up Theodore.

"Can you guys tell me what happened today?" The paramedic asks as Will wakes up and groans.

"Daddy has been sick with a sinus infection. He took his medicine." Benji says to the paramedics.

"Has your dad eaten at all today?" The other paramedics asks.

"I don't think so!" Benji says.

"That's probably why your Daddy passed out. Everything is going to be just fine." The police officer says.

The paramedics work on a just woken up and confused Will and they leave the house.

"I wanna go with Daddy!" Coralei says with a frown.

"Daddy is going to go to the hospital to
feel better. I am going to stay here with you guys until we can contact your Papi." The police officer says as he bounces Theodore.

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