Chapter 15

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It has been over an hour and I'm still crying. The pouring rain sums up my dreadful mood pretty well. Thank god my camera was in a case otherwise it would be ruined. Soaked to the bone, I remained to sit on the soggy bench. I didn't care about the rain. I didn't care about myself.

I care about Adam.

How could I be so stupid? God knows where he is now. Considering he was suppose to stay with Molly and I, I highly doubt that is going to happen now. I thought I found my soul mate; someone I could be with for the rest of my life but I have just gone and thrown all that away.

For fuck's sake.

Breathing out slowly, I stood up - clothes clinging to me - heading towards where I left Adam. What if he was heart broken? After all, he did make the first move.

Arriving at the bottom of the mound where we were sat earlier, I looked up from the wet pavement. He wasn't there, however, I did notice something laid in our space.

An umbrella.

Someone else must have sat there after Adam went and left their umbrella. Just out of interest, I picked it up and opened it. An envelope was attached to the inside of it; my name was written on it.

Tears filling my eyes once more, I read the letter in the rain after throwing the umbrella back onto the floor as I didn't have enough hands to hold it:

I'm sorry Alex. I understand if you don't want to see me again. That hurts me but I would stay away if you want me too. It was unexpected I know, it just sorta felt right. I hope we can still be friends. You don't realise how much you mean to me.
I don't want to lose you.
I'm sorry.

Adam :)

Ps. I have gone to pick up my things at Molly's then I will be leaving on the 5.06pm train. Sorry again'

As the ink ran off the crumpled paper due to the rain, I dropped the sheet and sprinted to the train station.

I can't lose him.

At the platform a large number of passengers are waiting for the train. Some of them are sitting on the benches. Others are sitting on their own boxes or trunks trying to keep out of the still pouring rain. People are even going up and down the platform. Every now and then, they look in the direction from which the train is to come. I scan the crowd looking for Adam. He's got to be here, his train wouldn't have left yet.

I saw a small bald man getting on the train.

"Adam wait!" I yelled with the little oxygen I had left in my lungs.

Was I too late?

Life Through A Lens - Adam ElmakiasWhere stories live. Discover now