Chapter 12

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"Come on Alex, you can't be miserable forever" Molly spoke as we drove back down to London. She bombed down the motorway, I rested my heavy head against the vehicle window, body curled up in the comfortable chair, watching the rain pour down. Something about listening to the rain was strangely calming.

I didn't even bother to reply to Molly, I just wanted to be with Adam. Don't get me wrong, the festival has been super amazing; I met some of my favourite bands, seen them perform, got so many awesome shots - if I do say so myself - as well as meeting Adam. I never thought in a million years that I would ever meet someone like that and they would improve my life so much in a tiny amount of time. It is quite amazing actually.

We have only been apart for a little over a day, yet I miss him like crazy. I have never felt like this about anyone before. Well, apart from my beloved grandma, but that is different. Honestly, I am pretty sure I have feelings for this guy. I mean, I have never had a boyfriend before but I'm rather certain I do.

"Molly, how do you know if you are in love or not?" I asked, knowing she has been in many relationships with both men and women, some serious.

"I dunno really. Can't really explain it. You just sorta know". Wow. Helpful.

Sighing, I let my heavy eyelids shut as I fell straight into dreamworld...

Wandering into the lounge of Molly's flat several days later, she called me over to the couch where she was sprawled out ill.

"Could you do me a favour?" She sniffled, picking up another tissue.


"Could you nip to Costa and get us some coffees?"

"Will do, I'll just grab my coat".

After sliding my leather jacket on - leaving it open exposing my Taking Back Sunday vest top - I left the apartment block and headed for the coffee shop that was around the block.

Although it was exceptionally warm for London, I thought it was a bit chilly because I was still used to the blistering Californian sun.


The bell above the door rang as I stepped into Costa and the smell of sweet coffee hugged my nose.

Joining the back of the queue, I felt someone walk up behind me. They were getting close. Very close. I could almost feel their breathing on the back of my sensitive neck.

Turning around swiftly on my heels, I understood why they were so close.

The person behind me was Adam.

"Boo!" He chuckled.

Life Through A Lens - Adam ElmakiasWhere stories live. Discover now