Chapter 14

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"Hey guys" Molly sniffled grabbing her coffee off me.

"Adam's here!" I squeaked, briefly forgetting he was stood behind me. Flushing red with embarrassment, I awkwardly chuckled. "So" I attempted to change the subject, "we are going for a walk. Anything you need Molly before we go?"

"No, off you jolly well pop" she smiled as Adam and I headed back out of the door after I grabbed one of my point-and-shoot cameras - you never know when you might need it!

"I forget how different Brits speak compared to us Americans" Adam chuckled and I agreed.

"Sometimes it's like they are speaking an entirely different language" I exclaimed.


After walking and shooting in one of London's gardens for a few hours, we settled down on a small grassy hill, watching the world go by. It reminded me of the night at the festival; a brilliant moment that I wanted it to last - not to be spoilt by anything.

"That's what I like about photography; I like how you can capture the moment and keep it forever" Adam smiled, staring into the distance. He was sat with his legs in front of him and his arms supporting himself behind as I sat with my tiny legs crossed and my arms placed on top.

"The memories last forever." I returned the smile as he looked over at me, our eyes locking onto each other's.

"It's a beautiful" he grinned, edging closer to me, "just like you.."

Before I knew it, his lips were on mine; warm and smooth. I didn't really know what was happening - my eyes didn't even close! As I pulled away, he stared at me for a few moments before looking down to his hands. He appeared so nervous and scared like a little kid who has done something wrong and their parents have just found out. On the other hand, I was in shock.

I have just had my first kiss.

"Sorry" he mumbled, "I just re-"

"It's okay, I gotta go." Quickly, I shot up and rushed away. What was I doing? Why am I leaving? Almost running, my head was spinning, my mind was racing and my stomach was churning.

It's not like I didn't want this to happen, or that I don't like him, I think it was the pure shock of it. I owe so much to Adam and this is the thanks he gets. I'm such a terrible person. Gosh, Adam probably hates me now - no more than I currently hate myself - he probably never what's to speak to me ever again. He meant so much to me.

He means so much to me...

Why did am I so fucking stupid?

Here comes the tears...

Life Through A Lens - Adam ElmakiasWhere stories live. Discover now