His Fight

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In most stories, their endings are predictable. Either they get a bad ending, or a happy ending.

How great the ending depends on the impact it makes to the reader. The more it impacts the reader, the greater it is...

I want a story with a normal ending. That would be the most boring ending ever, as it will not create any impact to the readers.

It may be boring and simple, but it's what I want. Not because I want to be fair. But because it's the closest to reality.

The bad guys either live and kill the hero, or the hero kills the bad guys. But what if both parties died? What if both parties live on? Isn't that the most realistic situation now?

That's why, please... let us live. I beg for anything and everything, just so we can survive. I don't want anything else. I don't need anything else. Just let us live!

I am the bad guy. She is the heroine. If this story ever reaches its end, I hope to see her walking in the same land as me...

"Isn't that the reason why you're so loving towards her, more loving than her own mother?" I asked my father who's sitting at his desk. I avoid eye contact as much as possible. I feel vulnerable. I don't feel like raising my pride anymore. I feel like it's already useless. If I fight him more than I can, I would end up utterly losing. I don't want to be humiliated any further. I know I can't take on this father of mine.

"You're right." He answered in his stern voice. He's being stoic, probably for my sake. But it's no use. The atmosphere between us is much heavier than usual. There's no way that we would be considerate of each other more than we used to.

"Why is she unaware?" I hang my head lower and clench my fists in silent frustration.

"Gakushuu, can't you understand?"

I flinched, looking up to see my father. Even in broad daylight, I can't look at his face properly. His desk is against the light so his face is being covered by darkness, but I feel like those deadly orbs are piercing into me nonetheless.

"She's not feeling well because she's aware."

I raised a brow in confusion. I want him to explain more.

Seeing my innocent face, my father groaned and smacked his forehead. "She was staying up all night, trying to figure out why her mother started to shout at her for being with you."

"I don't understand. How do you know that?"

"I heard it from the person herself." He simply stated, eyes looking straight to the door.

Stands there is a girl who looks dead. Her eyes are surrounded by black circles, skin and lips pale. I rushed to her, yet she's unresponsive.

I stopped my tracks when she signalled me to stop. Her eyes slowly turning in my direction. Once our eyes locked, she gave me a warm smile.

Then both her eyes close, her body falling down. I continued rushing to her no matter what that signal meant. I can't let her body suffer more than this. I can't... I can't...

"Gakushuu. You know how it's going to be. You have been avoiding her. You think I won't notice? No matter how much you adore your precious little woman, she will still be treated unfairly in this world, and you will not be able to save her." My father's words always ring in my mind. A reverberate whereas I can't hear anything else but his deep, stern voice that has permanently etched into my mind.

"I know how. I know you do too." I countered. One hand behind her head, and one hand on her stomach, I'm supporting her. Inside and out.

"What are you going to do about it then?" Father narrowed his eyes sharper at me. I really feel like being attacked.

"Isn't it obvious?" I laughed. I may have sounded like a maniac, but this maniac has a good reason to do what he has to. "Strip her mother off from all the riches we've given her, even her own riches! Let's burn that bitch down with every last greed she has! She will die along with all her possessions that she didn't work hard to get! How unfair it is to have a daughter that she couldn't even raise properly!!"

"What are you going to do with her daughter?"

"Eh? Isn't that obvious? Once stupid, always stupid, huh. I will live with her, duh." I blankly told him, somehow mocking him.

Father was speechless. His face is white as a sheet. I guess he couldn't accept the fact that what I just proclaimed is actually true. Would it really be that unbelievable?

"Father." I snapped him back to reality. "I cannot endure seeing her hurt anymore. She has nothing to do with this, yet she always endures living with her cruel mother. It's time to end this, don't you think? She was also once your possession, isn't it? Isn't it time to take back what's once yours?"

Father stared at me, wide-eyed. After a moment, he then solemnly nodded. "You're right..." he whispered. "...son."

I smiled. If only Anju-- no, Rika. If only Rika could see my smile of relief today, she would feel a bit better.

When she wakes up, I want to hear the whole truth from her own mouth. I want to know what she thinks of this, and what she plans to do now.

"Let's go, Gakushuu."

"I'll go even without you telling me

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"I'll go even without you telling me." I readied myself, taking a few steps forward. "Let's treat her how she treats her daughter."

Father giggled at my statement. "That would be merciful, then." I can see it in his eyes that he, too, had enough of her antics. This time, for sure, everything will end, and we can start anew.

This might be the only time my father and I work together for a common goal.

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