His Tutor

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"What can't you understand?" He asks me. His head tilting to a direction. His eyes are wide open, staring at me in all directions. I can feel centipedes crawling on my back, even though there aren't.

"Nothing, Father." I hang my head to the ground, scared of what he'll do. I know what he's capable of. And I just know a few that are inhumanly.

My father, as far as I know, isn't a human. He's a monster.

Rika Anju, a classmate of mine. She just failed the tests so her mother is really mad at her. I sometimes see her hanging around with other people rather than studying for the exams. I thought she already knows how the exams will be so she doesn't do anything about it, but when I heard she failed the exams, I already know why.

Sometimes, I don't even sense her presence. Probably because she skips class rather frequently. Her seat is always unnoticed, so it was pretty easy skipping classes... for her, at least.

When I glance at her while she climbs down the main building from the second floor via the window next to her seat, I can see her smiling widely. She has a playful and rash personality. She's very honest, but I heard she's quite violent. Though I don't know why her reputation is so low recently when her reputation is actually booming before. She was often called as "Asano II" because of her intelligence and activeness in school. Of course, I'm still on top, but she was racing towards me. I don't have qualms about it. She's always a point behind me. I don't know if she's doing it on purpose or not. Either way, I will still continue doing my best to be on top.

Reminiscing about her, I remember when her reputation as Asano II is still alive and kicking, her mood is always down. When her classmates invite her to a party or a hang out, she always refuses, putting up a strained and forced smile, saying things like "maybe next time." Or "I'm really sorry." It sickens me how she puts up with this facade of being a top student.

One day, a freshman called for her outside the classroom. She excitedly excused herself and went out the classroom. Minutes passed by and she hasn't returned yet. Minutes turned to hours, and she returned with a huge grin on her face. The only thing that changed was her expression. Other than that, she hasn't changed a single bit.

That was the first time I saw her smiling that widely like she was really having fun.

She then returned to her seat, just in time for the last period, and said nothing.

Soon, after some time, she skips class now and then. "Now and then" became more frequent as the days come by and her reputation works its way to the bottom.

Asano II turned non-existent, and everyone forgot about her. I did not.

How can I forget such a unique person? Her actions are hard to comprehend. Why was she doing those kinds of things? Who is that freshman and how is he related to her? Why was she looking depressed? Why does she need a facade? Why... did she purposely fail her exams?

"Great." My father just responded as he walked away from me. "You may go now... Class is dismissed."

I was about to hurry home, but that stupid old man called me again.


I immediately turned in frustration.

"I want you to do something for me." He says. He faced the window, and not me. It's like he's talking to the window and not me.

"Don't give me any more assignments, Old Man!" I interrupted before he could even say his command.

"This is not an order. Rather, it's a favor. As a son, and not as my student whom I'm tutoring." He then turned his heel to face me at last. He looks vulnerable and desperate. I wonder what made him look like that. If the favor shows his weakness, then I might give it a shot.

"Tell me." I boldly answered. Even if the favor doesn't show his weakness, I can do it without a sweat.

"Do you mind being Rika Anju's private tutor?"

His words hit me like boulders. Is Anju somehow connected with my father? If that's so, then I can use this to my advantage! Plus, even if she doesn't know anything, I can stick to her until my father shows the same concern for me as he does to her. This is a great plan!

"Of course. I tutor the other students pretty frequently anyway." I let out a "Hmph" and a conceited pose, crossing my arms and looking at him with upturned eyes.

" I let out a "Hmph" and a conceited pose, crossing my arms and looking at him with upturned eyes

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Is that so? That's good. Don't be too hard on her. Remember: she was once called Asano II. She will be easier to tutor than the other students you had tutored." He added.

"Although I appreciate your concern, Father, I can handle anyone. So now tell me, why is she special?" I directly asked him.

He didn't put up much of a reaction. He just frowned as his gaze lowered, and his body became less stiff.

"Someone like you wouldn't understand. Just go and accompany her until dusk every day. Please."

I have never heard him say "please" before. He is always on top and demanding so hearing that word from his is kind of cringey. If Anju is that special to him, I want to know her better.

Accompanying her until dusk might be troublesome, but if my Father looks vulnerable and even begged, who am I to step out of his request?

When I claimed I can do anything, I meant it! No matter what it is, I'll always come out on top! Always.

So I'm sorry Father, if ever I didn't do my work right. And I'm sorry Anju, for making it seem like I'm only using you...

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