35- The face off

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The only regret I have is that, Onika also had to pay for my debt to you, she shouldn't have been the one paying. It should be me all alone. She needs to stop paying for my debt, Agustin.

And you know who is the one being ungrateful here? It's you. Uh ha it's you Agustin. Look at your pathetic self you have lost everything because of your stupidity and you know what's even more pathetic you don't even realise it.

The one who owe me is you. You owe me for saving Onika's life." He gave me a look of utter disbelief when I said that.

"Don't you claim that she is your life and everything, you can't live without her and all. Then shouldn't you be thankful that I saved her from your. Before you killed her. You where so engrossed in your sadistic pleasure and revenge that you didn't even realize you where killing her everyday bit by bit. If not for me she would have been long dead." I stated as a matter of fact.

He just stood in his place as if someone has just paralyzed him.

He didn't argued back for the first time in his life as if speechless. I can say he agrees with me...but he won't ever admit that. The day he let go of his arrogance, half of his problems will all ready be solved.

" Countless times I told you not to do this. You need to work on your misunderstandings. Someone throws some fake photos on you and you believe it? Didn't you know her at all? Let's suppose even if she did cheat on you. You are no one to abuse her. You had no right to do so. I thought that you will come to your senses soon, I mean you can't see someone you love in pain let alone be the one who impose that pain on her. Isn't that how love is supposed to work?

But the day I witnessed how you tortured her like an animal was the day I concluded, you are too far gone in your madness, what you did was unforgivable and you were past understanding anything, no matter how hard I try.

I had to do something.

My intension was never of snatching her away from you or I would have done it even before you could have married her. The only thing I was doing was saving her life. So I offered her help through John. At first she declined saying that Agustin will find out the truth and then he will get into trouble but then something happened one day and she asked for help. She was desperate to get away.

I will tell you her exact words to John.

'if I stay here a moment longer nothing will be left of me..please help me get out of here before I die.'

It was not like I didn't know that you will find her sooner or later. I just ensured that you find her only after you know the truth and have realized your mistake and learned your lesson.

Then she was careless enough to have her photo printed on the front page of a magazine.

The only thing that held me back from doing anything was because I saw you in pathetic situation day and night. Drowning in regret and guilt. I thought you realised your mistake.

I thought now that you know what you had lost you will cherish her forever. Make up for your mistakes

But oh dear lord was I wrong. You. Are. A. Sick. Bastard Who. Is. To. Arrogant. To. Realise. Anything." I pronounced each and everyone word painfully slow so that he let it sink in his think brain.

"You remember that day Agustin? Someone tried to rape her, hit her, bruise her. And she was so scared she came crying to you because she thought you are her safe haven.

Of all the people in the world it was you she seek comfort from.

You should have been the one there for her at such vulnerable phase of her life.

Because she was the one to trust you with her heart even after going through so much loss in her life. She lowered her guards down and let you entre in her heart and gave it to you. You should have been the one to trust her even if no one else did.

You should have been the one to tell her that everything will be all right, that you will make everything alright.

You think you can come back to her life and demand her and order around to live with you like nothing happened? You think she could get past something like that?

You claim to love her? Sorry, but I don't understand what kind of love is that. You first took her as a challenge then as your possession. I doubt that you ever actually loved her."

Agustin was standing as still as statue, carved of stone. Lifeless.

The Agustin I saw few minutes before was gone to be replaced by a broken one, but I know it won't take him long before he revert back to his usual self.

"I made a mistake...But I love her. Sh..she lo..loves me.I know she does" He said, almost to console himself.

"She doesn't love you..." Before I can complete he cut me off in a haste

"She does, you know nothing about her. She loves just me and won't love anyone else other than me, ever ... She will forgive me one day I know she will"

"Oh yeah sure she does." I said with sarcasm laced in my tone." Whatever floats your boat. I don't give a damn about your delusional self. But it would be better for you if you already accept that you have lost her. Take my advice and Instead of soiling her life you better let her go."

"Let her go for whom? You? That's not happening. She is mine. you better back off Jacob. If you think you can get her by taking her away from me then you are hell wrong. If you know what's good for you, you better stay away from her." He said with finality, challenging me to say otherwise.

"Why would I do that? I don't take orders from you, anymore.". I said with a chuckle.

"You are asking for it. Aren't you? You are asking for a fight."

"Now, now, now there is no fun in taking something as precious as Onika away from you without a fight. Now is there?" I provoked him.

"Warning someone is not my type I simply destroy but considering that not long ago we were friends. I am warning you one last time, back off Or you won't like the consequences."

"Do your worst Agustin Deluca I don't give a damn." I said.

"Oh you will when I am done with you. That's my promise"

" On the contrary, I promise you Agustin when all this is over you will come to regret every action of yours and will be the one to say sorry for each and every thing you have ever done." I deadpanned.

" I accept your challenge. No one knows me better than you Jacob, I am never the one who loose." He said with confidence.

"There is always a first time for everything, let's start with this one."


Hello to all my lovely readers!! Hope you all are doing fine.

Please let me know how do you like the chapter.

Have a nice day.
Ricky ❤❤

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