Chapter 1: a chaotic day and a birthday crash

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 Gretchen sleeping then wake up eyes widened. 

Oh no it's our birthday bro! she said getting out bed and dress.

What seriously?! He asked getting dressed as well.

Hey guys I think we should go to the beach. Jackie said.

No I think we should go to a simple movie. Marcus said. Then they started fighting and arguing on what to do Sarah said she would try to talk to them.

Things keep getting crazy to the point where you and your twin brother can't handle anymore.

Enough! can we just have normal birthday is that hard to ask Gretchen said as you and your brother run upstairs to your room.

Sarah: guys?

Camren: go away!

Sarah: come on guys I promise you will like.

The twins signed and went downstairs seeing pizza and chips on the table and our had couple of movies with that we watch some movies and went to bed.

Sorry to make it short but the next chapter is where you meet the Loud house see you later.

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