Chapter 1

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Maries' POV

It was four o'clock in the afternoon. My friend, Anne, was supposed to meet me at the food court in the mall ten minutes ago. Well, I wasn't really surprised; Anne was pretty consistant with being late. I sipped my chocolate smoothy and listened to my iPod. One Directions' song Moments came on. I silently mouthed the words.

Suddenly, a pair of hands covered my hands eyes and a voice said, "Guess who!" I giggled.

"Is it Harry Styles? Or Louis Tomlinson? Or maybe Niall Horan or - " I was inturrupted by Anne removing her hands from my eyes and placing them on her hips.

I laughed and said, "Oh, it's you. You weren't who I wanted to see!"

"Hello to you, too," Anne said, laughing as she sat down beside me. She pulled a pink CD case out of her backpack and handed it to me. "Here it is. I finally finished downloading your videos," she said. She had video taped me singing several One Direction songs and playing the guitar.

"I told you I didn't want those on a CD. What am I gonna' do with it?" I asked.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe use it to get discovered and be famous? Just a random thought," Anne said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

"My voice isn't that great. Can we change the subject now?" Now it was her turn to roll her eyes.

"Fine. Ignore your talent. Well, I have to be home in twenty minutes or Mum will go ballistic, so I better get going. Do you need a ride home?"

"No. I have a shift at Hollister in ten minutes, so I have to be going now," I said. I worked a couple days a week. We said our goodbyes and I headed towards Hollister.

I was actually a minute late when I walked in. My boss just gave me a look and told me to get in uniform. I changed and placed my backpack into the employee locker.

For four hours, I worked at the check out center. The work was very dull, but it payed decently, so I couldn't complain. It was close to nine o'clock when I got off work. I walked through the mall to the exit. If I had been paying attention to my surroundings, the mess I was about to get into would never had happened. Instead, I was looking through my playlist and not watching where I was going. I approached the stairs. Finally, I found the song I wanted and looked up, just in time for someone to run into me, sending me flying down the stairs. I hit every step on the way down. My body came to a stop at the bottom. I just layed there for a moment. Closing my eyes, darkness overtook me and I passed out.

Harrys' POV

"Boo Bear, wanna stop at the food court? I'm hungry, and I'm sure Niall is, too," I said to Louis. We were in a mall, just walking around for no apparent reason.

"Sure, Hazzah!" Louis said. "Hey, Nialler! You hungry?" The look Niall gave Louis was enough to confirm what I had already said.

"Well, then we're stopping at the food court - No, Niall! Don't run!" Liam shouted. Too late. Just as Niall was about to pass a staircase, a girl came into my sight. She had long, dark brown hair that curled slightly at the ends. It was also obvious that she was short. She probably wouldn't even reach my shoulders.

She looked up as Niall was running, but it was too late. He ran full force into her and she went tumbling down the stairs. Niall stopped and skidded, turning toward the staircase. Realizing what he had just done, he raced down the stairs. We were right on his heals. I saw the girl come to a stop at the bottom. She had passed out by the time we reached her.

I kneeled down beside her as Liam said, "Niall! Look what you did!" Niall hung his head in shame and I turned my attention back to the girl.

Her hair spilled out around her. I could see a dark bruise already forming on her head.

Moments - A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now