Thirty Five

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4 weeks later...

Sadie's POV

"Jack, I don't wanna fucking go!" I growled at him as he dragged me to his car

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"Jack, I don't wanna fucking go!" I growled at him as he dragged me to his car. His dumbass was making me take yoga classes to 'relieve my stress'. It was a class for pregnant women and their partners and I didn't wanna go.

"Baby, you have to. You don't exercise and you're gaining weight. These classes don't even take much effort." He said, letting go of me. I scoffed.

"Are you calling me fat?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Baby, no I—." I started to tear up, mostly because I was upset he called me fat, but also just to make him feel bad.

"You called me f-fat." I gasped and sobbed.

"Sadie, I didn't call you fat. You're just gaining a little weight, ok?" I shook my head, still crying. "Ok, you're not fat. If you stop crying, you won't have to go." He sighed.

"Really?" I sniffled.

"Yes." He said and kissed my forehead.

"Ok." I smirked to myself, but still sniffled a little.

"Baby, I didn't mean to call you fat. Please don't cry. I'm sorry." He pleaded.

"I'm fine." I shooed him off.

"Baby." He pleaded. I didn't answer him. "I'll buy you food." He said and I lit up.

"Ok." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Damn." He groaned.

"I want sushi." I demanded. 

"You can't eat sushi, it's bad for the baby and you're allergic." He said. I pouted. "If you eat it, you could hurt the baby and yourself." He added.

"Ok fine. I want Wendy's." I said.

"You're not eating fast food. You gotta stay healthy." He said.

"Then what can I have?" I asked.

"A salad or fruit." He said.

"You're calling me fat, again?" I growled.

"Sadie, you don't understand what I'm saying." He groaned.

"Fuck you. You're always calling me fat and I don't like it at all. You're hurting my feelings." I whined and crossed my arms over my chest like a little girl. I started to walk away, but then he grabbed my arm, pulling me back towards him.

"I'm sorry baby. Do you want chocolate and ice cream?" He asked. I glared at him. You've got to be fucking kidding me.

"So you're trying to make me fat?!" I growled. Jack frowned.

"You know what, Sadie? I can't with you right now. Ok? So just stop it. Please." Jack groaned in frustration.

"I'm sorry." I apologized. He ignored me and went inside. I followed behind him and closed the front door behind me.

He went upstairs and I followed him, but as soon as I got to his door, he slammed it shut in my face. I sighed and went to my room and sat on my bed, turning on the TV.

I settled on Baywatch. I've never seen the movie and I heard it was good. Plus, I'd watch any movie with Zac Efron in it.

About 45 minutes into the movie, I paused it to check on Jack. I made him really mad and I honestly feel bad. I'm always such a bitch to him and he always has to put up with it.

I got out of my bed and went towards Jack's room. I opened the door to see he was sound asleep. I crawled into his bed and and kissed his lips. His lips curled up into a smile and he opened his eyes.

"I'm sowwy, Jackie." I apologized, trying to be all cute.

"It's ok." He yawned and fell back asleep on my lap. I played with his hair.

"Come watch Baywatch with me." I told him after a while.

"I'm tired baby." He groaned.

"Please." I pouted and he sighed.

"Ok, ok." He got off of me and carried me to my room, placing me on my bed. He kissed my neck.

I thought it'd be a simple kiss, but he continued. I giggled because he was tickling me with his kisses.

He attached his lips to mine and I kissed him back, cupping his cheek in my hand. He crawled in between my legs and kissed down my body.

Out of nowhere, my phone rang from under me and before I could take it, Jack pulled it from under me and checked the id.

"Why the fuck are you still talking to him?" He growled at me.

"Who?" I asked, completely confused. My phone continued to ring.

"Don't act dumb Sadie! You know who I'm talking about." Jack growled and got off of me, throwing my phone at me and leaving the room. I took my phone and saw that it was Skate. I picked it up.

"What the hell do you want, Skate?" I snapped.

"Sadie, chill. I just wanted to check on the baby." He chuckled. Does he seriously think this is funny?

"The baby's fine. Bye now." I was about to hang up on him.

"Wait, wait, wait!" He stopped me.


"I wanna see you. Please. I just wanna talk. I won't try anything. I promise." He pleaded.

"Skate, I don't—."

"C'mon, Sadie. Just hear me out. Ok?" He pleaded.

"No. Just stop it, ok? I've heard enough. I want nothing to do with you. You don't want my baby? Fine. Go fuck yourself!" I screamed at him and hung up immediately after.

I got off of my bed and went to Jack's room. I opened his door and he sat there, on his phone.

"Jack? I'm—."

"Get out Sadie." He snapped, cutting me off.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I said get the fuck out!" He screamed at me and I stood there, shocked.

"Jack, why are you—?" He stood up and grabbed me by the shoulders, turned me around, and pushed me out of his room.

Before I could turn around, he slammed the door, then locked it. I stood there in complete shock. I didn't even realize the tears pouring down my cheeks.

"Are you breaking up with me?" I asked him.

"Go the fuck away, Sadie!" He screamed and I obeyed, retreating back to my room. I sighed, crawled onto my bed, and slowly dozed off.

Sucks. I know, I know. It will get better because there may or may not be drama in the next chapter. 😉

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