(6) good day

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They are speaking indistinctly and accusing each other while trailing you behind.

you let them to sleep over with you. In the next morning, you take them to the railway station.

"be safe my babies!!" you hug them and pat their backs softly.
Not forget to give a smack on their cheeks.

"aaa I want too" Daehwi whimpers, wants doing the same to you

you hug closer Jinyoung's body to you, want giving him the smack too as Daehwi. But he quickly give a bit pushing your body off of him

"I'm not Daehwi, okay ? Don't do that noona, I warn you" his finger points you as a warning sign, straightly throwing a death glare to you

"isshh" you chuckle a bit.

"don't forget to come in our graduation noona" Daehwi hugs you again as if he doesn't want to take it off and sudden tears flow on his face.

It may because last night you told them that probably you don't go home, Busan because you're really busy on your job.
You just got fired in fact.

"Hey don't cry. We can meet again in another chance" you wipe his tears and take the hugging off, smile sadly

As Jinyoung is standing stay cool, but you can see that his face shows a wee sadness.
They seem really sad to be apart from you again.

"just... don't do idiot thing noona" Jinyoung reminds you, and quickly shifting gaze from you.

That boy is really... hhm

"It's still 3 months left, slow down baby" you smile.

they get on the train then as waving hands happily to you through the glass.


you're sitting on a swing at minipark as your legs are swinging slowly by yourself.
your mouth deeply enjoy slurping the milk for breakfast but you lost in thought

Daniel comes suddenly, takes the swing next to you. Silently watching you, followed by chuckling with his bunny teeth shows up.

It's somewhat a surprise for him. You don't realize his presence for few minutes.

he takes your milk drunk by you
"aaah what a day, my friend doesn't ask me to have breakfast together"

You are lost in thought but a sudden voice makes you aware.
he slurps the milk immediately and even doesn't take a sigh until the slurping isn't heard anymore.
He looks really starving.
You just look at him surprisingly

"why didn't you tell me ?" you shoot him with a sudden question

"tell you what ?"

"what Jinyoung and Daehwi told you"

"should I ?" he shrugs and raises brows. As if says it isn't that important to tell

you heave "why do you-"

"it wouldn't change anything, idiot"
His words stab you like a knife.
anyways it's true, it wouldn't change anything. You would just get hurt again.

"what a small swing, my body really fits in" he added.
you really know him, he always doesn't want to talk about the topic which makes you sad, as always he does.

you smile inhaled deeply, try to get it away as far as you can "where will you go ? Hunting the job again ?"

"not hunting. Actually i just put my application on then waiting for interview"

"but no one does yet"

"you just have to be patient" he grumbles.

"okay..okay.." you nod as response.

Suddenly he stops playing the swing, starts being serious on his phone screen.

"Hey... Sera.." a bright smile is formed on his lips all of sudden

"hhm ?" you answer shortly as wondering to see him

"the recruitment..."

"the recruitment ?" your eyes flustering follow him who gets up from the swing slowly

"I made it..I passed the round one for the assistant of architect in one of a architecture company !"
"the last step is interviewing ! Aah thanks God" his sparkling eyes shows up followed by wide smile plastered on his lips.

So do you, getting excited "woaah??"

he takes your body suddenly, lifts it up skyward in excitement. some happiness fill the air around you.

it looks like a daddy lifts his baby to the sky in happiness as turning around, seems unstoppedable.

children and their parents get frozen around you at the park, stop their activities to see you two.
until your eyes catch them, such a loss of words you realize it, that what you are doing is like idiot couple.

You pat his arms and he stops turning around then. Your fingers are signalling him to lift down your body.
his eyes widen to get awared from what he's doing.

"aah sorry, I'm super excited" he smiles awkwardly and lifts down your body.

Daniel checks all documents needed in his sling briefcase. The bright smile adorns his face. You just watch his expression gladly

"By the way I never saw you very as much as a live like so"

"of course. This process is nearly complete. Well, I should be going. see you" he throws a smile to you then leaving.

You wave hands as your eyes roll over his body, and you just realized that he doesn't get the suits properly.
you go after him, and grab his arms to stop him .

"What's up Sera?" He turns head to you.


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