Lady Madonna

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Chapter 20

   The next day was quite a gloomy day. It was all gray and foggy outside. I hope it wouldn't rain because I really wanted to see the lads today and I think Becca really wants to see them too! She really loved the performance yesterday and she really wants to get to know them. We were both on the couch eating some breakfast while listening to the radio. I actually bought an album yesterday and we both really wanted to listen to it. It was A hard day's night.

   The songs were the ones that we made together and I felt really proud. When I should've known better came on, the doorbell rang. It startled us both. I almost dropped my plate. I went to answer it and saw all 4 lads standing there. I  happily let them in and they followed me to the sitting room and heard the radio playing. If I fell came on and we all started singing. Then Becca noticed them. "The Beatles are here," she whispered to me. "I know, I let them in," I whispered back. "Cool," she said.

   After the whole album ended, we all sat down. "I have never been in your house before, it's beautiful," complimented Ringo. "Thank you," I said in return. Then I just remembered something. "Hey guys, I want to show you something." All 5 started to follow me to my room. I showed them my painting that I made a few days ago. "It's beautiful," said George.

   John and Paul kept admiring it so much. "When did you make this?" asked Ringo. "About 3 days ago," I said. They all loved it so much that I felt proud. "We shall write a song," said Paul aloud. "Really?" asked a surprised Becca. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that sometimes I help them write songs," I said. "Wow!" she said.

   We all walked out and sat down on the couch. Well John and George sat on the floor. They all started to brainstorm on names. "We could call it Lady Madonna," suggested John. "Sounds great!" said Paul. We all started writing and it came out well. I was amazed with what Becca wrote for the song. So were the lads. "You should help us write songs more often," said Paul. "That would be great!" She said.

   I think they like each other. For some reason I actually expected that. Of course, I mean those guys like anybody. But I think it's special between Becca and Paul. I think me and George should help those two get together. It might help me and George get together too hopefully. 

   I had an idea, I pulled George to the side so I could tell him. I whispered in his ear my idea and he liked it.We both walked out and explained the idea. We were all about to go out to dinner and we are all going to bring dates. I'll go with George, John will go with one of his girlfriend who we never met named Cynthia, Ringo will also go with his girlfriend who never met named Maureen, and Paul will go with Becca.

   We all dressed nice. Becca and I both wore nice but not too fancy dresses. Mine was purple with blue flowers and Becca's was Blue with different colors designs on them. The lads wore the suits that I made for them when they came back from filming the Hard day's night movie and we all looked great.

   We left around 5 and made it to the restaurant in about 10 minutes. Once we arrived, Cynthia and Maureen were there waiting for John and Ringo. It was a nice place and the waiter led us to a nice table that would fit all 8 of us. We all sat next to our dates. Things got a little awkward right when we sat down. But it got better after about a few minutes.

   "So Rebecca, can you tell us a little about yourself?" asked Paul since nobody, other than me, knew anything about her. "Well, I've known Lucy since we were 5, We split up during high school, I've idolized you guys since From me to you first came out, and that's pretty much it. There isn't really anything interesting about my life," she explained. "We now it is interesting because you met these guys!" I said while doing jazz hands.

   She smiled and we all smiled back. I love that they play music here. We've mostly just been listening to commercials when we walked in and hoped sometime soon that they would play music. We all ordered what we wanted and finally music came on. We all smiled when The night before came on. That was one of my favorites. It seemed like it was also Becca's favorite because we both started to sing along.

   The lads were listening and admiring us while we were singing. This was also the first time I have ever heard Becca sing. She is so good. I think Paul was falling apart because he couldn't look away from her. It was quiet funny. Once the song ended, we ate our food. We all left after about a half hour and also of course George was the first to finish his food. 

   While outside I over heard Becca and Paul talking to each other. " Your singing is amazing," he said. "Thanks," she said back. "You could really help us with our music," he said. "That would be great," she responded. I smiled to myself because my plan sort of worked! Soon enough, I think they will get together.

They'll Please Please YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora