From me to you

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Chapter 2

   Later that day I went back to my house to relax a little. The Beatles were such nice young lads and told me a lot about themselves. Paul keeps saying that all the ladies love him and John would disagree (The ladies loved all 4 of them). It was quite entertaining watching them fight, but of course we stopped them from really hurting each other.

   Paul and John always like to argue but it's never about anything serious. Ringo and George just like to watch them on the side and not really interfere. Or they would just eat popcorn and root for one of them. I do hope that none of them would argue over me. That would be quite annoying.

   I wasn't planning anything today so I just went to listen to some music. A new song came out today by the Beatles and it's called From me to you. Right when I turned on the radio, it came on.

"Da da da da da dum dum da, Da da da da da dum dum da. If there's anything that you want, if there's anything I could do, just call on me and I'll send it along with love from me to you. I got everything that you want, like a heart that is oh so true, just call on me and I'll send it along with love from me to you. I got arms that long to hold you, and keep you by my side, I got lips that long to kiss you, and keep you satisfied. If there's anything that you want, if there's anything I could do, just call on me and I'll send it along with love from me to you. Call me. To you, just call on me and I'll send it along with love from me to you. I got arms that long to hold you, and keep you by my side, I got lips that long to kiss you, and keep you satisfied. If there's anything that you want, if there's anything I could do, just call on me and I'll send it along with love from me to you, to you, to you, to you." 

  I love that song and I learn songs really fast. Right when the song ended, the doorbell rang. I think I had a feeling who it was. I put a sandwich on a plate on the floor and prepared to hide when I opened the door. I yelled come in and I saw a very happy George when he saw the sandwich. He picked up the plate and tried to find me.

   5 minutes later he still couldn't find me. I kept laughing to myself but he STILL couldn't find me. "Well since I can't find Lucy, I guess I'll just leave with this sandwich and this really nice plate." He practically yelled. "NOOOOOO." I yelled running right to him and taking the plate back. It was my favorite plate and he is not allowed to take it! "Found you," he said while laughing at me.

   That prank didn't go so well, I thought to myself. I turned the music off and put the plate away while George ate the sandwich. "So what are you doing here?" I asked him while sitting down. "There are two reasons why I'm here," he said while eating the sandwich. "One, I wanted to see you and two, the lads and I were wondering if you wanted to spend the day with us," He answered.

   I nodded and we left to go back to their house. Once again the boys didn't notice us walk in and George found 3 pens on the ground. He picked them up, smirked at himself, then threw the pens at each of them. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU," Yelled John. "A lot," answered George with a grin on his face. The boys just rubbed the places where the pens hit them and finally noticed that I was there. "Ah Lucy, just the girl we wanted to see," said Paul.

   "We were wondering if you wanted to go to the park with us," offered Ringo while getting off of his bed. "I would love to," I answered. They gathered their things and we left. We got in their car and went to the park. Once we arrived, John started frolicking in the fields like a little girl and we all started to laugh. Paul decided to join him and tripped in the process because there was a big branch in the way. Unfortunately when he got to the field, John was right behind him and bumped right into him, causing them both to fall over. Ringo, George, and I couldn't stop laughing and I think Ringo started crying from all his laughing.

   Then John stood up and started bowing. "Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all day." We finally stopped laughing and Paul brought a picnic for us which we had under a tree. It was a very beautiful day and these boys just make it better and better.

   A/N: Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and please tell me what you think about it. I worked hard trying to think of what to put into these chapters and I think they came out well. I hope you all think the same. Again thanks for reading this chapter and I hoped you all liked it!

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