She went straight in and wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay." She breathed.

"Where have you gone? I told you to stay in here until I returned." He said to her.

Bria backed away.

"I-" she caught her tongue before she spoke the words. She remembered the Mistress said if she told him, she would hurt him. Bria couldn't take the chance. "I-I went looking for you, and I got lost. I'm sorry. I should've listened to you." She felt horrible for lying to him.

"I understand. I'm glad you are safe." He said. Bria forced a smile at him. He then glanced at her hand. "You're wounded."

"Ah yes. I cut my hand on a rock. Heh." She looked at her hand.

"Are you in pain?" He asked.

She sighed. "I guess it's time I tell you huh?" She brushed her hair back with her hand. "I have a rare medical condition called congenital insensitivity to pain. Basically, I can't feel any physical pain unless it's very severe. It's a curse and a blessing."

"I see. Why keep this a secret?" He asked.

She shrugged. "I have my entire life. My parents were the only ones who knew. I guess I was scared of people treating me differently."

"Thank you for trusting me, Bria." He said.

"I will always trust you." She gave him a half-smile.

"Shall we continue traveling?" He asked.

She opened her mouth. She was about to say that she was going to go back to the haunted library, but decided not. He was the one who told her not to go there in the first place.

"We shall." She said. How was she going to get away from him long enough to grab that book? Never mind that, how was she going to explain that she was going away at dusk until dawn.

Yeah. The ancient evil female Elite is possessing my body at night, so I'll brb until morning.

Bria rolled her eyes. Yeah like that was going to happen.

As they ventured, Bria noticed that Thel was limping.

"You're hurt." She said to him.

"I am fine." He said without turning to look at her.

"Thel, we need to stop. I need to look at your leg." She said.

"We can't stop now." He replied.

"But it might get infected. We can spare 5 minutes." She took his hand and attempted to drag him, but he is too big for her strength, so she failed.


"I'm not going anywhere until you let me look at your leg!" She crossed her arms.

He stood still for a moment, narrowing his eyes at her. "Very well." She took him into one of the buildings. It was beautiful in there. The walls were covered in glowing crystals that lit up the room. She pointed to a chair and Thel sat down. She then patted her lap, motioning him to rest his foot on her lap. He lifted his foot and rested it on her lap, his hoof was very heavy.

Her eyes scanned up and down his leg searching for any irritation. She noticed some of his stitches from his hospital visit were opening up, and he had fresh cuts in the leg where the armor did not cover.

"Where did you go yesterday?" She asked.

"I was searching in some of the debris in the city. And I managed to upset some creatures." He said.

What could he be looking for?

"You could've asked for my assistance you know? I find you disappearing a lot recently." She said as she got a small medical kit from her bag. She took off the armor from his leg and began to patch him up.

"I do not want to risk your life." He said.

"It was my decision to come here with you. You can trust me. I'm a tough girl."

"I don't doubt your strength. I just never have seen any human fight this kind of power." He said.

She looked up at him and noticed that he had a crystal in his hand, he was carving it with a knife.

"Next time you go somewhere, I want to go with you." She said.

"If that will make you feel better, then very well." He tensed when she touched a certain part of his leg.

"Did I hurt you?" She said.

"I'm fine." He replied.

She continued to stitch him back up.

"We need to take it slowly. You're still healing from that explosion." She gently put the armor back on his leg and he lifted his leg off her lap.

"I'll be careful as soon as I know you and my people are completely safe." He said. She froze when she noticed him putting something around her neck. She looked at it and noticed it was one of the crystals from the wall, the one he was carving. Not only was she in awe of the beauty of the crystal, but the fact he made it so fast.

"It's beautiful." She observed the crystal.

"Let us continue." He left her in the building as she stared at the crystal. A smile on her lips.

Her heart was definitely developing a crush.

Halo: Twisting Fate (Book 1, Arbiter x Female human series.) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz