benji's 1st school dance

Start from the beginning

"Is that why you were fussy for Papi?" Will asks Theodore as he kisses Theodore's cheek.

"I didn't think he was hungry. He didn't seem hungry to me." RJ says as he fixes Benji's mohawk.

"I think he is having a growth spurt, aren't you cutie? Are you all done already? I guess you just wanted to comfort nurse." Will says as he kisses Theodore's cheek.

"You are all ready to go, bubba! Are you excited to see Kinley?" RJ asks Benji.

"Yes! I can't wait to see her!" Benji says as his face lights up.

"Is Kinley your girlfriend?" RJ asks as Benji blushes.

"She's just my best friend! Girls have cooties if you kiss them!" Benji says making RJ and Will giggle a little.

"Aww, you love Kinley don't you? And girls don't have cooties." Will says with a smile.

"Yeah! I love her." Benji says as he blushes again.

"Awww." RJ and Will say as they smile at Benji confessing his love to Kinley.

"I wanna go dancing with Bubba!" Coralei says as she frowns.

"When you go to school you will have a little dance! But for now you can dance with Daddy and I!" RJ says making Coralei smile brightly.

Benji, Coralei and Theodore play for a few minutes until the door bell rings.

"I think somebody is here! Let's see who it is!" Will says as he and Theodore walk to the door.

Will and Theodore walk over to the front door and open it to see Kinley, her baby brother Lucian and their moms Natalie and Meredith.

"Hey! Welcome! I love your dress, Kinley! So pretty!" Will says making Kinley smile brightly.

*Kinley's dress*

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*Kinley's dress*

"Thank you, Mr. Will!" Kinley says with a cheeky grin.

Kinley, Lucian, Meredith and Natalie walk in the house and to the living room.

"Hey guys!" RJ says as he walks to hug Meredith and Natalie.

"Luc! Hi!" Coralei says as she hugs Lucian.

"Cora!" Lucian says as he jumps up and down.

Lucian and Coralei run over to play with the tea set.

"Theodore is getting so big! Chunky boy!" Meredith says as Will smiles.

"He sure is. Growing up fast!" Will says as he kisses Theodore's cheek.

"Hi, Theodore! Hey cutie pie!" Natalie says as Theodore smiles brightly. 

"Be Be Be!" Theodore says as he bites on his teething toy.

"Aw, are yo taking to them? Are you a ladies man?" Will asks Theodore as he babbles again.

"You are so handsome, Benji! I love your outfit!" Meredith says making Benji smile.

"Thank you, Ms. Meredith!" Benji says as he grins.

"Very cute! You guys look very cute together!" Natalie says making Benji giggle.

RJ grabs a flower from the kitchen and winks at Benji so he walks over and grabs it.

"This is for you, Kinley!" Benji says as he hands Kinley the pink rose.

Kinley face lights up as she sees the rose and she hugs Benji's tightly.

"Thank you, Benji! I love pink! It's my favorite color! Look, Mommy and Mama!" Kinley says with excitement.

"Ooo! So pretty! I love it." Natalie says as Kinley smells the rose.

"Benji is a great dance mate isn't he?" Meredith asks Kinley.

"Yes, he is! I love Benji." Kinley says as he hugs Benji tightly.

"Let's take some cute pictures!" RJ says as Benji and Kinley hold hands and stand near the fireplace.

"Smile guys!" Will says as Benji and Kinley smile.

Benji holds Kinley's hands making Kinley blush.

"Aww! You guys are so cute!" Natalie says as she takes more pictures.

"Ms. Natalie and I are going to go to the dance with you guys!" Will says to Benji and Kinley.

"Yay!" Benji and Kinley says with a big smile.

"Let's get going! We don't wanna not be able to get a parking spot!" Natalie says making RJ, Meredith and Will laugh.

"Trust me, the school parking lot, sucks!" Will says as he puts his jacket on.

"What are you going to do Mama?" Kinley asks Meredith.

"I am going to stay here with Mr. RJ, Coralei and Theodore to have a play date!" Meredith says as he kisses Kinley.

"Lucian and Coralei are going to have a play date!" RJ says as he kisses Will.

"Yay!" Coralei says as she hugs Lucian tightly.

"Be good for Papi, Coralei and Theodore. Okay?" Will says as he kisses Coralei and Theodore.

"Be good, Lucian! Be nice to Coralei and Teddy!" Natalie says as she hugs and kisses Lucian.

"Have fun at the dance, bubba!" RJ says as he hugs Benji.

"I will, Papi!" Benji says with a grin.

Will, Natalie, Benji and Kinley climb into the car and drive to the elementary school! 

Will and Natalie go to the school dance and chaperoned! Will and Natalie took a bunch of pictures and videos of Benji and Kinley dancing and talking with friends.

Benji and Kinley had a blast at their first ever school dance! :)

Will posts a picture of Benji and Kinley holding hands. Kinley is holding a rose. He writes the caption as: "first grade dance. Aren't they so cute 😍👫"

Will posts a video of Benji and Kinley dancing on the dance floor. He writes the caption as: "my little man and his bff 🕺🏻💃🏻"

RJ posts a picture of Benji and Kinley together. Benji and Kinley are laughing. He writes the caption as: "Benji went to his first school dance today! Doesn't he look so handsome? 👫"

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