christmas shopping!

Start from the beginning

"You're welcome! Make sure you brush your teeth again, and put your shoes on." Will says as he pets Dobby.

Benji brushes his teeth again and puts his tennis shoes on.

"Let's go!" Will says as he grabs his keys and Benji puts his jacket on and grabs his book bag.

Will and Benji get in the car and head off to school!

"Are you excited to go to school today?" Will asks as he begins to drive.

"Yes! We are going to talk about who brings what to our Christmas party in a few weeks!" Benji says happily.

"Ooo, sounds like fun! Just tell Papi and I what you need to bring, okay? So we can get it. We need to get your classmates a small Christmas gift too. So think about that today too." Will says and Benji smiles.

After Will drops off Benji, he begins to drive back home. He turns the camera on and vlogs.

"Hi, guys! Good morning! I just dropped off Benji at school for the day. Last night was super rough. Coralei had a fever and she was fussy all night. I'm hoping she feels better today and it was just a twenty four hour bug. Also, Theodore is teething so he was up half of the night. RJ is amazing let me tell you. He stayed up pretty much all night with Coralei and Theodore. I am forever grateful he is mine. Let me get home and see what's going on. See you guys later!" Will says as he waves.

Back at home, RJ is up with Coralei and Theodore. RJ is making pancakes for Coralei and Theodore. Coralei and Theodore are playing in the living room

"Where's Daddy and bubba?" Coralei asks RJ.

"Bubba had to go to school today! He will be back later! And Daddy is coming home! Don't worry!" RJ says as he finishes making breakfast.

Will walks in the house a few minutes later, greeted by Coralei and Dobby.

"Hi, Cora! Are you feeling better today?" Will asks Coralei as he hugs and kisses her.

"Ya! I not warm! I better!" Coralei says as Will giggles.

"I am so glad you are feeling better! Where's your little brother at?" Will asks Coralei.

"Over there!" Coralei says as she runs over to Theodore who's playing with his stuffed animal.

Will walks over to RJ and hugs him tight, and gives him a big kiss.

"Good morning, sleepy! When did you guys wake up?" Will asks RJ, rubbing his back.

"About fifteen minutes ago! Theodore has another tooth on the bottom that came in and Coralei is feeling so much better. I need to take a shower I feel so gross." RJ says as he kisses Will.

"Go ahead, take a shower! I got the kids." Will says as RJ smiles.

"Thank you, babe. I love you!" RJ says as he runs upstairs.

"I love you too! Cora, Teddy, it's time to eat!" Will says as Coralei runs over and Will pick up Theodore.

Coralei and Theodore eat breakfast before Will gets them dressed.

"Twirl for me, baby girl! Show me your cute outfit today!" Will says as Coralei twirls around.

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