I lay there with her for a few minutes until a sharp knock sounds on the door before it was pushed open slightly, Armanno's head peeking through the crack, his eyes met mine before he glances at Amira sleeping in my arms, before meeting my eyes again. He motions his head towards the seating area and I give him a nod and watch as he closes the door.

Slowly untangling our legs and removing her hand off my jacket I slowly get up off the bed and pull the warm blanket over her. Standing there just looking down on her my chest felt heavy leaving her, I place my hands in my pocket to stop myself from touching her, I have to learn how to keep my hands to myself for the next couple of days. I give her oe last glance before leaving the room leaving the door slighty ajar.

"What was taking you so long? Is she okay, is everything alright?" Questions starts flying at me as the image of Salvestro appears in my line of vision with a worried look on his face.

Ignoring his questions I made it back to my seat where I sit and orders a strong drink of burbon closing my eyes as I will my body to relax. I felt a figure sit in front of me and one on my left and another one in front of me. I open my eyes when I hear the glass clink on the table, I take the cold glass in my hand down half of it in one go. "You didn't answer my questions?" Salvestro says in his seat directly in front of me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Enrico ready to take action for the blunt disrespect to his boss.

I raise my hand to stop him as I look at Salvestro with emotionless eyes, "I don't have to answer your questions. That girl laying down in that bed is MY WOMAN and just because you claim that she is your daughter doesn't mean that you can talk to me anyway that you like, that's not how it works."

He chuckles softly, "You're just like your old man,"

"Shut up! I'm nothing like that fool."

"Of course you'd say that, but we all know that that isn't true. How is he by the way?"

Leaning forward in the chair with my hands locked together I can feel the slight fear that leaks out of his body. "What are you playing at old timer?"

"Me, well i'm just asking about my future son-in-law family that's if I give you my blessing to do anything with my daughter and i'm not really liking your attitude," he says with amusement all over his face and it ticked me the fuck off.

"If I was you i'd watch what you say to me. I assume that you know who I am if you know my father, yes. It wouldn't be nothing to Amira if you disappear, I mean, it's not like she knows that your going around assuming to be her father so she wouldn't even miss your absences." I say nonchalantly while sitting back in my seat and taking a sip from my drink.

"You are definetly Abramo's son," he mumbles but I heard him, my muscles tensing at the sound of my father's name.

"What are you playing at Sal?" Enrico starts. "If you are her father why didn't you tell her when you recognized her. Why did you pose as an homeless man where she worked, why did you pose as an homeless man, are you even homeless?"

Salvestro open his mouth to respond but I beat him to it, "What!? She has had contact with him. Why wasn't I notified of this?"

"My brother and I was given the task of protecting her, and you know that we take our job very seriously." Enrico says with his head bowed slightly, "We failed once but if she will have us as her protectors once more we won't fail again," his voice is firm and dead serious and I know that he meant every single word.

"It looks like my little girls has done well, I mean as well as catching the eye of the Italian Mob boss and it seems that she has you wrapped around her fingers." It all happened so fast, I grab Armanno's gun from th waistband of his dress pants and point it in Salvestro's face.

Unorthodox Obsession: A Mafia Story (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now