Inai Ni Yami ((An Original Story)) Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

I was mortified.

After leaving the sight of the little killing spree the two girls before me had, we'd gone off to find a safe place to hide for the night. In the time we walked, I kept stumbling and falling face-first into the muddy ground; all because of a stupid pair of heels. The girls - mainly Kagami, since nothing came from 'Barajou'- laughed at me a lot. But really, I couldn't understand it. How do you walk - much less fight- in those things!?

Then, because I was so mad I kept making a fist, which triggered the blades in the heels, and next thing you know I'm toppling over because of them. Why did father have to program it this way...? And why was I so stupid to let him? The old man, annoying as he was, was smart and always asked for our opinion so as to not seem too cocky to his underlings. Usually he'd count more on Kuro's opinion because he knew I was opposed to the idea in the first place, but he still listened. And now I feel like an idiot.

"Come on, Hime, speed up, why don't you?" Kagami stopped to look at me, her LyoLyte suit having morphed into something more "comfortable." Though I don't know what's so comfortable about a skirt as small as that barely covering her... don't look. You may be in a girl's body, but you still have a man's mind! And then that halter top! It shouldn't be legal! Alright, seriously, stop looking.

"I'm not a princess! I am a gu-"

'Barajou' slammed her hand down on my mouth, locking me with a hard stare. Her lips pouted and I just couldn't help shutting up after that. Cuteness does have advantages, especially when her suit had also changed to a somewhat semblance to a sundress. I, on the other hand was lucky enough to choose my change of clothes, which came out to be a 'tomboy' get up: baggy black jeans and a large white T-shirt. I just couldn't handle wearing something so skin tight like Kagami on a body that wasn't even completely mine - well, it is, but the shape isn't!

Kagami laughed some more as we walked and it took all my willpower to just not make a fist. If and when I hack into ShiroTech, I was going to change the blueprints for this stupid suit and make everything better! I froze at the though, stopping in the middle of a road like the idiot I was. But it was because of my train of thought. I'd been thinking to alter things, alter father's things, like the head of the company would. I was starting to think like Kuro.

"Hime, get over here now! Do you realize the situation we're in?!" Kagami hissed angrily, while 'Barajou' dragged me over, looking non too happy either. Her green eyes, identical to the ones I had now, flashed ever so slightly and suddenly... white.

I was back in the hellish white world. What had I done to deserve such a punishment?! The only good side of all this was that I was back in my original body. Being in a girl's body is just... blah. It does things to a man's mind and makes you think about... looking... Yeah, I'm going to stop this train of thought before things get worse.

I lay around, waiting for the usual walls and whatnot. The never-ending stairs. But as time went by and nothing happened, a bit of panic spiked within. What if I was going to be trapped here longer than usual? God, I hope not. That'd just be... well, hell. Even if the humans think Shin-En is hell, there must be a place lower than that... And this must be it, even if it isn't as dark as it's believed to be. Quite bright, really.

What was even weirder though was the fact that nothing was happening. I guess that's a good thing, but it was unnerving. I also couldn't talk still, so there was no use in having a panic attack because what good is there in that if you can't scream for help? I 'sighed' laying back on the ground. This would all go away eventually. All I had to do was wait it out...

"The boy's useless. I say we kill him when he isn't looking and leave. Then all our problems would be solved." I blinked, sitting up the moment she'd finished her sentence. Well, if I'll be damned. They're already planning my demise. Isn't that just nice? "Speak of the devil. You're awake, I'm assuming. And you heard what I said?"

Inai Ni Yami ((Within Darkness)) {{FINISHED}}Where stories live. Discover now