Chapter 16 : Blackbird

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"Blackbird singing in the dead of night." Her soft voice was heard by all of them, who were sitting in the living room.

She hadn't spoken to anyone since she ran out of the school gates. He could imagine her sitting in there, with her wet hair, from the rain, spread around her face, her doe brown eyes wide, focused on s a single spot but not really focused at all, sitting in the corner of the white room, the corner near the window, where the wind would probably make her feel even more cold. Singing a loop of the same song for god knows how long now.

"Take these broken wings and learn to fly." There's the next line, her voice cracking in the middle of the lyrics.

Aella had gone up to Adeline, she was out of control as Aella always is, and if it weren't for Lupo holding her back, Adeline would've had more than just a broken nose. Diem, who was always so happy, didn't hesitate to throw her heavy biology book right at Adeline's head. She had missed, but it hit one of the other goofballs who followed Adeline around. Even Florence, no one had expected her to do anything even remotely mean, but it seems when it comes to her friends Florence is no longer the shy angel she looks to be. She had taken an entire bottle of dishwashing liquid and poured it all over Adeline. Nico gathered up all the pieces of paper up in a matter of seconds, took them to the pavement outside near the trash, and burned them all, despite Adeline's latest conquest trying to stop him. Leo's smile had been wiped off his tan face, and he threw a few punches, although Nico had to stop him from doing any permanent damage. Riptide? He didn't care about Adeline's smug smile. He didn't care about the white sheets on the floor. His mind went straight to Polaris, and he followed her a nano second after she had exited the cafeteria doors.

"All your life." He wasn't fast enough.

She had opened the doors to the house and went straight to her room, slamming and locking the door behind her. She had been singing in a dreamy, melodic voice ever since. They could hear through the walls, the melancholy in her voice. It took no genius to realise she was in a trance. Away from this world. He didn't need his eyes to see that she was hurting.

"You were only waiting for this moment to arise." Yet, even now, with her voice being the only sound echoing around the house, with the exception of the pitter patter of the rain and the occasional thunder, as they sat in the living room in silence, no one knew what to believe.

Polaris was their friend. They all knew that. However at this point, she wasn't saying anything, completely effected by a piece of paper, so was it true? Could it be? There was always a possibility, but it couldn't be. Polaris was a good person. Yes, she was mysterious and she had secrets, but so did they. Riptide, completely refused to believe anything other than the fact that Adeline had taken it way to far, with complete and utter fake information, and when Nico brought it up, the conversation was quickly shut down. No one could stop thinking about it.

"Blackbird singing in the dead of night." Her voice, once again, filled the silence and echoed throughout the house.

Aella's leg was bouncing up and down rapidly. A sign of stress? No. She wasn't stressed, maybe only a little bit, but she was more unsettled. Not for herself, but for Polaris. A girl of which she thought of not only as a close friend, but also as family. Even though they'd only known each other for a small amount of time. She was interesting, she was kind, but she could be aggressive. There was one thing about Polaris you could tell from a mile away. She was loyal, possibly more than anyone Aella had ever met before, then again, loyal people are hard to find in this world. Aella felt like she could trust Polaris with her life, and she was right too, because there was no doubt that Polaris would take a bullet for her, no matter the circumstance.

"Take these sunken eyes and learn to see." They were getting impatient now.

Riptide sat on the kitchen counter with his head in his hand, half blocking his ears, as if trying to block out the sound. Polaris' voice was beautiful, much like a sirens. Even when she wasn't singing, she could get you to listen by saying a single word. Now that she was singing, with such sorrow dripping from her voice, it was almost torturous to sit there and listen. Her voice was deafeningly quiet, ringing in his ears. In all their ears. The girls were sat on opposite ends of the room, trying to figure out what on Earth to do, and the two other guys were, well, just there. Leo, who always had a smile on his face, looked pale and emotionless. Nico, they were all used to to him being quite, but there was a certain vibe coming off him.

"All your life." There she goes again. Another painful line.


"You were only waiting for this moment to be free." Once more her voice, beautifully torturous, ringed around into their ears, staying there for a moment before disappearing, then everything goes silent.

Silence. Complete absence of sound. Her voice is gone, only a memory in all their minds. Their breathing scarce and quiet. Frozen. Everything is frozen. So still, immobile, that for a second they wondered if they were really alive, in a real world.

"That's it." Aella pushes herself, up off the ground and starts running up the stairs, but she seems to be stumbling just the tiniest bit.

Riptide jumps off the counter, powerfully exits through the front door slamming it behind him, and the sound of vibrating metal is heard, showing he obviously probably punched the trashcan outside. The motor of his motorcycle becomes more distant until they can no longer hear it.

Florence and Diem follow Aella upstairs, though Aella's banging on the door and soft whispers are still being heard. Maybe they'll get Polaris to open the door at some point, not yet.

"Who knew The Beatles could be so depressing?" It was more a statement rather than a question, but Leo's voice is not the least bit humorous. 

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