Chapter 2 : An Unwanted Encounter

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A bright light blinds her when she opens her eyes, making her blink a few times to get addicted to the blinding light. She wakes up in an unfamiliar white background. The pillow her head had rested on, was soft, and the duvet, even softer. If she were any normal person, she would've fallen back asleep in seconds, but as the memories of last night come flooding back to her, she knows she doesn't have time for sleep.

She takes the blanket off her, and looks at her legs. Her right leg, is heavily bandaged, yet the blood underneath is still mildly visible. She swings her feet over the side of the bed, but seems to idiotically forget that her leg was bitten by a bloody shark. The same pain she had felt yesterday sears up her leg again, she hisses in pain.

She can't just sit here, until someone decides to show up. Who's house is she in? Who was the green eyed boy from last night?

She forces herself off the bed and gingerly starts taking slow, painful steps toward the wooden, white door.

Every step is like a thousand knives stabbing her right leg, and though it hurts, she needs to get out of here.

She opens the door and to her luck, it makes the loudest creaking noise in the entire goddamn world. She winces at the sound, sure that whoever else lives here must've heard and it wouldn't be long until she would have to face being interrogated by whoever lived here.

Almost like it was planned, she hears a pair of rushing footsteps getting closer and closer.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU STANDING?!" A deep, concerned masculine voice yells from down the hallway, and a boy with dark brown hair rushes towards her.

Much to her dismay, he quickly scoops her up in his arms and carries her back into the room, gently but firmly putting her back on the bed.

"Are you insane?" He asks a little calmer than before.

It's the same boy from last night. The green eyes are unforgettable, and for a second she is speechless, her mouth simply hangs open.

He snaps his fingers in front of her eyes, snapping her back to reality. ?

"I need to go back." She says quietly, sounding pathetic and weak.

He sits on the side of the white bed beside her.

"Back where?" he asks.

"The island." she mumbles quietly. Not exactly caring, how insane this guy will probably think she is.

"You live there? By yourself?" The concern in his voice is clear.

Who was this girl? Why was she living alone on an island. He looked at her closely, she looked like she's been through a lot, and her eyes... her eyes hold a look he's never seen before. He can't read her, and that just draws him closer to her.

She gives a small nod, confirming the answer to his question.

"You can't go back. Not in this state," he says "what's your name?

She looks up at him, his green eyes just as vibrant as they were the night before.

"Polaris." She says, surprising herself.

So many names in the world, and she told him her real one? The shark bite must've done more to her than she thought. Names are a powerful thing, why is she trusting him with hers? Aside from the fact that he possibly saved her life, something about him makes her want to trust him.

"I'm Riptide" He says, holding out his hand.

Polaris's hand shakes his, and she feels his pulse through his wrist. He's real, not just another figure of her imagination.

"You can stay here-" He starts.

"No," She cuts in, "I can't. You've saved my life, and I'm grateful, but I can't stay." She finishes, avoiding any eyes contact with him.

The tone of her voice when she says she can't stay sends a slight shiver up Riptide's spine. Her voice contains so much power, so much authority, that you feel like you have to listen even if you disagree completely. He doesn't want to ask her why she can't stay because she seems like she doesn't want to be pushed into giving him answers, but the curiosity is there. He decides against asking her any personal questions, yet. Polaris' head is still pointed downwards giving him the perfect view of the top of her midnight black hair. He doesn't know what to say, his mind has been wiped blank of all possible things he could say. All that was left were questions, and it was clear she wasn't going to answer any of them.

"Just stay until you're better." He says.

"I can take care of myself." If her weren't standing so close to her, Riptide wouldn't have heard the words.

"You don't need to-"

"I never asked for your help!" Polaris snaps, glaring up at him.

"But you need it." He's losing his patience now, why can't she just accept his help?

Polaris opens her mouth to say something but closes it again. He can see her fisting the sheets beneath her in frustration as she has come to realise that he isn't going to take no for an answer. In other words, she's staying here wether she likes it or not.

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