Chapter 15 : White Sheets Of Fake Secrets

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The last time Polaris had been on a motorcycle with Riptide, she had enjoyed it. She enjoyed the feeling of wind blowing through her hair, she enjoyed the feeling of going so fast that no one could reach you. Rushing past the blurry landscape, that seemed to be just a fog of colour. She enjoyed feeling so close to him, wrapping her arms around his body.

Today, she was not looking forward to it. She knew he was wondering about what last night was about, and though he hadn't asked about it yet, she didn't know how much longer he could hold on to the questions that were in his head. She knew that he would crack eventually and start asking, and she wasn't ready for that, but there was little she could do about his growing curiosity.

There was one thing she could do, and that was postpone seeing him. Which meant that she had to leave now, before he came down. She grabs a granola bar from the cabinet and stuffs it in her back pocket. Slipping her white sneakers on, she puts on her black jacket and heads out of the door.

Cold licked her face and crept under her clothes. She knew her lips were probably already tinted a light shade of purple, and her nose was probably already blue. Her hands and fingers, despite being stuffed in her jacket pockets, were numb and freezing. Polaris always enjoyed the cold, it was the season with the most blue.

The building comes into view after what she thinks is about five minutes. She knows she isn't late when she sees students still getting out of their cars and taking their sweet time having conversations in there little cliques. She spots Diem, speed walking, past all the students. Polaris calls her, and she stops and turns around. Running up to Diem, Polaris feels the warmth of the school heaters, and for once is happy for the hot air.

"Hi." Diem gives her a hug, which she wasn't expecting but she hugs back after a second or two.

"Hey." She replies, a soft smile setting itself upon her lips.

Diem looks around a little, before turning her attention back to Polaris.

"Where's Riptide? He didn't just leave you to walk here in this weather did he?" Polaris' smile drops, and Diem notices immediately.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Nothing," Polaris says, smiling again, "I just felt like walking today. I like the cold."

Diem doesn't look convinced, but she nods and drops the subject, much to Polaris' pleasure. They walk into the school, and are engulfed with warm air. The two don't say anything as they walk the schools corridors, going to no classroom in particular. It's a comfortable silence though, Polaris doesn't feel the need to fill it with words that won't mean anything. Diem looks perfectly content as well. Aella's big purple hair comes into view as she gets her books from her locker. Aella says a quick hello to Polaris, but after somehow realising Polaris isn't in the mood to talk she drowns into a conversation with Diem.

Polaris zones out, and just walks alongside them, but she does hear a few words. From what she understands, they're talking about this mysterious girl who's got them curious. Something like that.

Suddenly the what sounds like a fire alarm goes off, making Polaris jump at the loud noise, and drop her books. Diem and Aella look at her for a moment before bursting out in laughter, but it wasn't the mocking type of laughter that makes you feel like trash, it was friendly. She knew they weren't making fun of her, they were laughing at her clumsiness, and the more she thought about it, the funnier it became. Soon the three girls were just laughing in the middle of the corridor with a bunch of textbooks on the ground. Though Polaris' laughter was lighter, quieter than the others, she found herself getting lost in the little moment of happiness. The situation was so pathetic, yet so normal.

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