Chapter 4 : A Trip Into Town

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Riptide opens the fridge for the fifth time today. To his unrealistic expectations, nothing has changed. Now that he thinks of it, he hasn't been grocery shopping since two weeks ago. With a sigh, he lets go of his hopes that the fridge will magically conjure up more food, and looks towards Polaris. She's curled up in a small ball at the edge of the couch and seems to be intrigued by yet another book.

"We need to go out." He states, it's been an entire week and he hasn't even thought of taking her out for some fresh air.

She's been cooped up in this big cage for a week, and though she tries not to show it, he can see it's bothering her.

Polaris, disappointed that she's been interrupted while reading, raises an eyebrow.

"I was wondering when you were going to realise that you've kept me here like a prisoner for a week." Her tone is sarcastic but playful, and he can't help but smile at this side of her.

"We need to buy food," he says, "I'm going to go mad if I open this fridge again and there's nothing in it."

Polaris chuckles at his antiques, though she had found it funny that he was doing that, she had decided not to bring it up. One thing was good though, at least he had his priorities straight. Closing the book she was reading and placing it on the round, mahogany, coffee table in front of her, she gets up and goes to lean on the pitch counter.

"So we go into town?" She tries to hide the excitement in her voice, but Riptide is no idiot.

"Yeah." Her entire face lit up and her eyes sparkled.

Who would've known something so simple could make her so happy.

"Let's go." She said, practically running to the door and putting on her black sneakers.

The day after she had been brought here, Riptide sailed back to the island and got her two, huge, unpacked duffel bags from the cave she was planning on staying in. So she had all her stuff back.

By the time Riptide had gotten to the door and slipped on his shoes, Polaris was already at the front gates of his house, and she was standing there, looking extremely impatient.

He jogged towards her and they began walking to the closest grocery store.

She seemed happier when she was outside, Riptide has realised that in the small amount of time he had brought her out. They had barely walked away from the house for a few minutes but the change of atmosphere definitely had an effect on her. She looked like any other normal, happy teenage girl.

He took the few moments of silent walking they were doing to really look at her. Her brown eyes looked like smooth swirls of dark chocolate, with specks of gold when the light in them changed. There was a natural spark in her eyes that made her look so much more alive. Her midnight black hair spread around her in a mess, yet somehow she managed to look perfect. There was a small scar under her right eye, it was barely noticeable, but he had been looking at her so closely. Riptide could't help but wonder how she got it, but he decided against asking her any questions. She needed time to trust him.

Polaris could see through the corner of her eye that Riptide was looking at her, basically staring. Though she didn't understand why he was looking at her, it felt somewhat comforting to be noticed. She could tell he wanted to know more about her, there was obvious curiosity dancing around in his eyes whenever he looked at her. She wasn't ready to tell him anything. Polaris knows she shouldn't feel bad for keeping him in the dark, after all, he is still just a stranger, but she did feel bad. This boy was having a bigger effect on her than all the people she had met in the past three years combined.

The grocery store was very small and empty, but it had everything they needed. By the time they were at checkout, they had basically taken at least one of everything on the shelves.

Polaris placed everything onto the checkout table and Riptide payed for it all.

She felt bad that she didn't pay for anything, but when she offered he shut her down quickly, like the idea was absurd. Though she tried to change his mind, he just wouldn't hear of it.

When they realised just how much they had bought, and the amount of bags that were burdening them, both Polaris and Riptide came to the conclusion that walking here was not the best idea. This caused a fit of laughter from Polaris and an amused smile from Riptide as he watched her.

When she laughed her nose would scrunch up in the cutest way and her curls would bounce on her shoulders. The happy sight of her made him happy, she could have a welcoming aura around her when she wanted to. He never realised how luring her vibe was pulling him to her. Like a siren. If she had asked him to jump off a cliff in that moment he doubted he would go against her.

When she finally stopped laughing, any trace of a smile was wiped from her face and replaced with the same emotionless look.

"What do we do now?" she asked.

He was confused by her sudden change of demeanour but decided against questioning it.

"Well, you could wait here while I go get the car and come back," she shook her head so rapidly at that, that he thought it would actually fall off, "or we could just get a taxi." he finished.

Polaris gives him a small nod, trying not to look at him.

Again, questions that he can't ask bombard his head. He tried not to wonder too much, because making assumptions about her would be rude, but the curiosity was killing him. He had to know something.

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